Friday, October 31, 2008

Updated SQLitePersistence

As I think I mentioned earlier, Marcel Molina is doing some great work adding Ruby ActiveRecord style associations and also refactoring some of my code to make it much cleaner and neater.

Today, I did a little surgery of my own, albeit minor outpatient surgery. I added a bunch of methods to the database instance manager to allow greater control over database configuration, allowing you to specify such things as the autovacuum level, cache size, and the like.

Even if you don't have an interest in using SQLitePersistentObjects, if you use SQLite for either iPhone or Mac/Cocoa applications, it's probably worth your time to take a look at the SQLiteInstanceManager class in the project. It stands on its own and can be used without the rest of the package and it makes managing your database a heck of a lot easier. Just drop it into your project, grab a reference to the sharedManager, and start working with it - no need to create or open the database, or specify a file location or anything.

And, when you realize how nice it is not to have to write code to do any of that, maybe you'll become interested in checking out the rest of SQLitePersistentObjects.

Note: Anybody out there who has successfully used SQLitePersistentObjects for a delivered application, please let me know, and also let me know of any problems you encountered along the way.

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