Monday, February 27, 2012

Trendyful for iPhone Wins Our Weekly Poll!

The only camera app with filters and frames allowing you share several pictures and videos at once on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Flickr, and e-mail as well – Trendyful is the winner of our Free App Poll!!!

Trendyful, available for FREE in Apple App Store enables you to:

Take pictures or videos with the best and fastest camera ever.
Make pictures brilliantly beautiful with stunning filters and frames.
Organize and upload multiple pictures or video on Facebook Wall, Albums, Friends' Walls or Pages you admin, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Flickr, and e-mail - all in parallel, all in background, all at supersonic speed!
Browse, like, comment all your pictures and videos posted on Facebook, even the ones where you got tagged. A gorgeous slideshow will display your life in pictures for the first animated and live app!

The thing to note is that everything is done in a background more, and the app notifies you once your pictures are uploaded and published. Here is how Trendyful works in details:

The innovative camera feature of the app allows you to Shoot and preview one or MORE pictures directly from the camera or chose them from the library. Both self-timer and self-portrait modes are supported, along with the instant video recording for your convenience, with no need to switch from camera to video like in any other camera apps. Once captured, you can edit them with uniquely designed filters such as vintage, drama, painting, classic and more, and select the frames independently to better fit your inspiration. 

Hereby you’re allowed to tag your friends and make captions, select desired destination (Facebook Wall, one of your Facebook Albums, a Friend's Facebook Wall, Facebook Pages, Twitter, Tumblr blogs, Google+ Albums, Flickr or e-mail) and upload them with just one tap with the fastest upload feature and save time – you can enjoy your life while the files are being uploaded in a background more, as mentioned above- a notification, if enabled, will alert you when your pictures or videos are online. You are also able to browse all the pictures and videos you have uploaded and even read and make comments and likes!

become the next winner and see the review of your app on our blog, get started now, check out 

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