Friday, February 24, 2012

Steve Jobs’ Birthday Is Not A Simple Day!

Today is the birthday of Steve Jobs and we are celebrating it without him at the first time. Apple founder was born exactly 57 years ago

A pair of Mac-obsessed entrepreneurs Brendan McElroy and Seth Rogers are planning to stage a birthday party for Steve Jobs outside Apple’s flagship store at 59th Street and Fifth Avenue. Dancers will gyrate to Bob Dylan songs and vegetarian cake will be served. According to the event’s organizers, black turtlenecks are handed out to hundreds of Apple fans.

Nothing is said by Apple whether it plans to commemorate the occasion. Some have speculated that Apple will announce a product release or update to coincide with the day, just like last year on February 24 - when the MacBook got an upgrade (See: Steve Turns 56 Tomorrow ). Though, there has been no clue as if it happens again.

Besides, an Indian graphic novel has just been published which marks the life of Steve Jobs. Only for today it is available for free, from tomorrow there will be a charge. Probably an exciting graphic novel based on Apple’s creator’s life is the best gift for devotees. Author of the graphic biography titled "Steve Jobs: Genius by Design" is Amit Tayal. As for the complete book, print version and graphic novel will be released in April. The print version will initially be launched in India at the first time; it will be made available worldwide later (See also: The Best-Selling Book Of 2011).

As for the last year, Steve Jobs received 20032 congratulations on his birthday! Fans had opportunity to send him best wishes with a web’s help. People from all over the world still share  their memories and thoughts online about the genius.  

As a conclusion it is worth mentioning that Steve Jobs was posthumously awarded a Grammy award for his contribution to the music industry. During the Grammy’s Special Merit Awards Ceremony, the Trusteed Award was announced together with Lifetime Achievement Award and Technical Grammy Award. The award accepted Eddy Cue, who was promoted to senior vice president for internet software and services.

Head of iTunes (Eddy Cue) said: "Accepting this award means so much to me because music meant so much to him. He told us that music shaped his life. It made him who he was. Everyone who knows Steve knows the profound impact that artists like Bob Dylan and the Beatles had on him."

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