Thursday, October 23, 2008

Crimson FX Open Sourced

This project contains the source code for a Mac OS X digital video effects editor. Primarily designed to allow key-framed animation of laser and lightsaber effects, I had started to expand it into a more general-purpose effects editor.

The interface is horrible, could use quite a bit of help. I stopped working on this when Quicktime 7 came out and broke the compression code I was using. I lost momentum then, and never picked it back up. It still compiles, and it should work if the compression code is bypassed.

This was done pre-Core Image, so some of the code that takes advantage of hardware acceleration is probably a bit outdated. I also rolled my own convolution filter for applying blurs and other effects, but that code should really be converted to using Core Image.

I don't have any plans to start active development on this one again, but if there's anyone who wants to take it over, I'm happy to give you administrator status on the project.

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