Tuesday, October 21, 2008

SQLite Persistent Object Update

Last night, I fixed a bunch of bugs in the SQLite Persistent Objects code. I also wrote an iPhone application that uses it to save its data, and checked the project source code into Subversion as well. I plan to write a basic tutorial around this application, but wanted to make it available for anyone who wanted to see it in action. If you check out the project from Subversion, you should get a new folder called Sample Code. The Xcode project is in there; the links from the project back to the SQLite Persistent Objct code is project-relative, so if you put the Sample Code project anywhere else but in your sqlitepersistentobjects folder, you're going to have to relink those files.

I would appreciate it if someone could try checking it out and compiling it to make sure it works. The program uses the camera, but it can be run on the simulator,the "Take Picture" just won'tt work. If you want to run the sample code on the device, you'll have to change the bundle identifier, developer identity, and developer cert, of course.

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