Sunday, January 30, 2011

5 Bundled Mac Apps for 85 Percent Off!

Mac Bundle Pro has announced its latest bundle: iSkysoft Bundle which contains 5 applications for Mac systems. This is a sizeable bundle, accessible to all users, at a bargain price of less than $24.90 (USD). The bundle of 5 applications will continue to be available through until February 6th. Applications and licenses will be sent immediately after the payment is completed. The Mac Bundle Pro team put together the iSkysoft Bundle considering the requests and suggestions offered by our clients. 

Here is the full list:
1. iTube Studio
iSkysoft iTube Studio for Mac helps to download videos (HD videos supported) from YouTube, Facebook, TNT, BREAK, Google Video, and many other video-sharing sites opened in Safari. Convert the downloaded videos or FLV videos on hard drive to use with iPhone, iPod, iPad, PSP and mobile phones; or to any video and audio format. Built-in Mac FLV player enables users to view the downloaded videos conveniently. (Full price: 29.00)
2. iPhone Ringtone Maker
iPhone Ringtone Maker for Mac lets customer create his/her own stylish ringtone out of virtually any audio or video, and directly transfer the custom ringtone to iPhone. It supports almost any audio formats such as MP3, WAV, WMA, M4A (DRM protected not supported), AC3, etc. and video formats including MP4, MPG, MPEG, MKV, AVI and more. Want something cool and special? This smart iPhone Ringtone Maker’s built-in recorder, Groove Box allows making cool ringtones. (Full price $19.00)

3. Sync Pod
Sync Pod for Mac makes it easy to transfer songs, movies, TV shows, playlist, photos etc. from iPod/iPhone/iPad to Mac and into iTunes. This powerful iPod to Mac transfer also allows copying media files from Mac to iPod/iPhone/iPad, even if the device (except iPhone) is not synced with the iTunes library. Moreover, it features support for directly copying DVD movies and virtually any format video & audio to Apple devices. (Full price: $39.00)
4. Video Studio Express
iSkysoft Video Studio Express for Mac lets users edit and share standard or HD movies with a few simple drag-and-drops. It has everything in need to quickly put together a few video clips, while keeping the confusing options to the least. The self-explanatory options help to easily make movies in minutes to share everywhere even if the user is not a Pro! (Full price: $35.00)

5. DVD-Library
iSkysoft DVD-Library lets users catalog, manage and backup DVDs on Mac in a visual library. Just hold DVD barcode up to the iSight camera and the DVD's cover and all relevant info like DVD cover, actors, director etc. will be automatically added to the library. DVD-Library for Mac also allows users to backup DVDs to .DVD media files on Mac with one simple click. (Full price: $29.00)

For more information click here

We LOVE Apps!

NPolls composed a survey of 5.013 iPhone/iPod/iPad users in 68 countries, concluding that the community is crazy about apps! In fact, 55% of individuals have downloaded more than 10 free apps in the last month and 69% have bought apps in the last month.  

This poll was created with the NPolls iOS App between 21 and 23 of January, on a worldwide level focusing on iOS user app behavior. 86% of people who answered to the poll have purchased apps, where 6% of them spent more than 20 USD on apps in the last month. However, it was found to be most common that individuals spent less than 5 USD in the last month (32%). From the survey, it was concluded that game apps are, by far, the most popular, where 74% of users have bought games. Sports and travel/lifestyle were among the less favored categories (19% and 20% of answers stating they have purchased these apps). 

In which categories have you bought apps?

Purchasing habits of apps varied from country to country. French users are very conservative in buying apps (every vote below the overall behavior), in USA and UK, individuals tend to purchase more frequently. UK users prefer entertainment and music apps, whereas Italian users tend to buy utility/productivity apps. German users behave very similar to the overall habits of users. When asked the type of business model app consumers prefer, the answer was “free!”. Period trials, limited features or 1 USD start price are rarely considered. People prefer free apps with advertising (66% of answers). 

Another interesting conclusion from our survey is that app consumers buy on impulse. 81% do not bother to research before buying software. More than 86% do not care if the app seems useful or not. Most of consumers buy apps after evaluating the description/reviews of the app (36%). 89% recommend apps to their friends and 70% frequently write reviews about purchased or downloaded apps. One thing is for sure, if people don’t like the app they downloaded, they will delete them… after all, only 1% of our users have never downloaded a single app and 53% have delete apps, claiming they were bored of it. 

What are the main reason(s) you would delete an app?

Among the iPod users, deleting apps out of boredom is very common, reaching an impressing 65% of users. While among iPad users, the percentage is 41%. Discarding apps in order to download/buy others is very popular among individuals younger than 25 (62% rid of their app due to boredom) while 34% of the audience older than 40 years declared the same.

For more information click here

Friday, January 28, 2011

Goodbye, $.99 iPhone apps!

Apps with a cheap, one-time cost will be replaced by apps that bring in advertising dollars or drive recurring revenue based on usage or a subscription fee. This is just one of many findings released today from a survey of 2,235 mobile app developers, jointly conducted by app development platform vendor Appcelerator and market researcher IDC. According to the report, developers are shifting away from free brand affinity apps and becoming less reliant on $.99 app sales. In fact, mobile app developers are weighing seven business models, the most prevalent still being app store sales with 59 percent of respondents using this model. Other models include advertising (43 percent), in-app purchase (42 percent), brand loyalty and engagement (34 percent), mobile commerce (26 percent), subscription (26 percent), and coupons and loyalty programs (10 percent).

So far, the fastest growing business model is mobile commerce. In a similar survey last year, only 14 percent of mobile app developers had mobile commerce as part of their business model mix. Today, one out of four have mobile commerce, a growth of 86 percent. Apps are also maturing and becoming more complex, evolving from simple content-based apps to apps that make use of location, social and cloud services to transactional apps that tap the power of mobile commerce, according to the study.

The study concludes, that as the customer experience evolves, so does application sophistication, customer expectations, business transformation opportunities and the underlying business models. On the tablet front, the survey found that Androids and, to a lesser degree, the BlackBerry PlayBook are gaining mindshare among developers at a faster rate than the market-making iPad. Seventy-four percent of respondents said they are "very interested" in developing for Android tablets, up from 62 percent last year. Twenty-eight percent are eyeing the BlackBerry PlayBook, up from 16 percent last year. The iPad leads with 87 percent, only a 3 percent increase from last year. Web OS tablet interest remained flat.

All tallied, this year mobile app developers plan to triple their app development efforts, according to the study. The average app developer will build for four different devices, a two-fold increase from the year prior. The top device continues to be the iPhone, with 92 percent of mobile app developers "very interested" in developing for the iconic phone. The iPhone is followed closely by the Android phone (87 percent), iPad (87 percent) and Android tablet (74 percent). After the big four, the drop off is severe with the BlackBerry phone (38 percent), Windows Phone 7 (36 percent) and BlackBerry PlayBook (28 percent).

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Complete Friday Q&A

Mike Ash just announced the availability of his Complete Friday Q&A book. Mike's weekly blog posting is a must read for any Cocoa developer. Mike's knowledge of the language and system internals is amazing, and having all his weekly posts available in one place formatted like a book is a great resource. Go check it out on iTunes or Amazon.

Garage Games

I noticed that Garage Games, the makers of the Torque game engine have recently had a near-death experience. As of the end of last year, it looked like they were shutting down operations. However, they appear to be in the midst of a phoenix-like return to life with, perhaps, some changes in focus and priority. The bad news for iOS folks, is that they've removed the mobile version of their 3D engine from their product list. I don't know if this means it's abandoned, or that they're just not ready to announce/release it. They are actively hiring developers and designers, and from the job descriptions they've posted, it sounds to me like they've got their sights set firmly on mobile.

To celebrate their revival, they're having a sale on all their products - you can get any of their engines, including a full source license for $99.

Now, I honestly don't know how Torque compares to, say, Unity, Sio2, or the UDK in terms of features or ease of development, but there have been a lot of very solid games created with Torque over the years and the demos show the engine is versatile and fairly powerful.

What I do know that $99 is a hell of a price for a source license to a game engine of this size and complexity. For me, it's worth that much money to get to peek around their code. There's a lot to be learned from looking at other people's code.

No word on how long the sale is for, but you can check it out here.

Note: I had an e-mail conversation with Garage Games' community manager about iTorque 3D. Unfortunately, right now the official word is that the product is off their roadmap. They have no announced plans to release it, so if you're targeting the iPhone or mobile devices in general, you're out of luck for now and should probably look at another engine.

That being said, they didn't rule out the possibility of re-introducing iTorque 3D at some future point. Frankly, if you're interested in writing games, I still think it's well worth dropping $99 for a license to be able to see the choices they've made in designing their engine as well as how they've implemented them. It's a pretty good example of a complex cross-platform project.

I have to say, I like the new public face of Garage Games. Their responses to my questions were prompt and candid. I think the new management knows exactly what they want to do and I'm looking forward to seeing where they take things.

Paint Problems of White iPhone 4 Appear to Be True..

Rumours about the white iPhone 4's eventual release date continue till today. Recently we have seen further evidence of the handset in supposed carrier inventories. But still, a solid day when we can go out and pick one up has not been announced yet.
You may remember that Apple cited the release delays as problems with application of the white paint. Many speculated in fact that they were working on fixing the slew of antenna problems that the iPhone 4 had on release. Others acclaimed Apple's paint announcement to be false. Either way it ensured that the white iPhone4 has now become one of the must have but yet to be released gadgets of this year.
With the help of too many information on the web, we can now find truth in Apple's white paint difficulties. According to the majority of sites, specified printing white color for iPhone 4 brings poor yield and then huge number of defective products. This is what disturbs to start manufacturing.

This is not the first time that Apple has had problems with white products. You may remember the rumors about the 3GS, that they would turn pink if overheated. It seems toasty iPhones were changing colour after extended periods of use and strain on the CPU.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Some Secret Tips!

Here are some most useful iPhone tips, tweaks, secrets that you couldn't imagine existed for your complete and easy use of iPhone! Here are some of them and if found interesting, we will try to provide further information.

Keyboard Tips- Shift Key: Apple with its vast iMac experience has featured the shift key press option on the iPhone multi-touch screen. This is especially relevant if you want to capitalize few letters without pressing the CAPSLOCK option. In the iPhone the double tap primarily serves three functions. The double tap zooms in on anything you tap in Google Maps, Safari browser and in Photos. You can also zoom out by double tapping again. While watching videos just double tap to remove or restore the letterbox bars at the side. Quickly double tapping the space bar also adds a period and space. If you want to type letters or symbols that are not visible on the keyboard just hold down the related letter or symbol and slide to pick the variation.

iPhone Battery Tips and Secrets- If you want to enhance your iPhone battery lifespan remember to avoid temperature extremes. Avoid using your iPhone at temperatures higher than 95° F (or 35° C) and in very cold environments. Using the iPhone in very hot conditions can inflict permanent battery damage whereas cold temp usage causes temporary battery performance degradation. Keep your iPhone software constantly updated to ensure your phone has the latest battery performance maximization technology. Some apps are battery draining like viewing videos, gaming, email and so on. Just remember the following battery tips to maximize its life. It may sound weird but its true that not using the iPhone for long time at a stretch decreases the battery life. Use it regularly and charge the battery at least once every six months even if you don't use your iPhone regularly.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One More Look at App Prices...

The startup found that more than half of mobile apps are priced below or equal to $2 in Android Market, Apple’s App Store for iPhone and iPad, Nokia’s Ovi Store and Palm’s App Catalog. The exceptions to the rule: BlackBerry App World (which doesn’t allow apps priced below $2.99) and Windows Marketplace for Mobile.

As mentioned earlier, the research found that more than 50% of apps get priced below or equal to $2.00 in most stores. Zooming in on the different App Store versions, the research shows that the percentage of applications priced $0.99 ($0 – $1) is much higher in the App Store for iPhone than in the App Store for iPad. The percentage of applications priced $1.99 ($1 – $2) is similar between these two stores, while the percentage of applications priced higher than $3.00 and below or equal to $10.00 is higher in the Apple App Store for iPad than in the Apple App Store for iPhone.

Android Market sticks out with a 57% share of free applications, way more than what the other stores average. Most of them clearly circle around 25% free vs. 75% paid, according to the research findings. In fact, the only other app store with a share of free apps larger than 1/3 is Palm’s App Catalog.

Android is now the second-largest application store with 19, 297 apps. It's still a far cry from Apple's 150,998 apps, though. And other competitors are farther still. Ovi, we were surprised to discover, is the third largest with 6,118 apps available while Blackberry has a respectable 4,756. Palm has only 1,492 and Windows has 693. Apple is also the fastest growing store with a shocking 13,865 new applications added per month. Android's growth is picking up too - they now have 3,005 new apps per month (15%). Relative to the number of apps housed, Android is actually the fastest growing store.

The average price of all paid applications and the 100 most popular paid applications in the Apple App Store for iPad ($4.65) is higher than in the Apple App Store for iPhone ($4.01). However, the average price of the 100 top grossing applications is higher on the Apple App Store for iPhone.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

PC versus Mac

NPolls made a survey among iPhone/iPod and iPad users worldwide and got to the conclusion that 84% use normally a PC computer (Only 28% have an Apple computer). But if price was not an issue 67% would choose a Mac!

Most of Apple computer users have Macbook Pro (39%) with iMac coming on second with 32% and Macbook Air at the bottom with only 4%. Among Mac OS X users, 45% have a Windows partition or a virtual machine with it. 56% of Mac OS X users told NPolls that the main disadvantage of Macs is that hardware is more expensive. This relates with advantages and disadvantages of Mac OS X: Interface, performance, installation and stability were very well rated as the best advantages of Mac OS (above 4,5 in a 1-5 scale). Price was, obviously, the only problem found...

Windows was rated well on software and hardware compatibility (above 4 in a 1-5 scale), while stability, system configuration and price comes more as a problem. Also, Macs were considered prettier than Windows. 66% Users told NPolls that they were happy with the computer they have while 7% we really unhappy. But one of the most staggering findings is that 67% of all the people said if price was not an issue they would choose a Mac...
Analyzing the data carefully we can see that the issue about users you prefer Mac is a little less pronounced in USA, with 63% preferring the Mac if price was not an issue. In the rest of the world the percentage is 70, the same as among the women. Also, people with ages between 25 and 54 years tend to accentuate this preference (about 70% also). The percentage of people who have a windows partition is a little shocking. Among Arts & Design and Computer & IT professionals this percentage is much higher (46% in Arts & Design). Of course, students come in the end of the list with less than 21% using Macs.

Although 7% of users are completely unhappy with their computer, this percentage is very low among Mac users (only 2%). The Windows users are pulling this percentage high, even in users who are “more or less” satisfied with their computer. Note that the sample size was 1035 polls answered from 67 different countries, from 19th of January.

For more information click here

Friday, January 21, 2011

Add a Little Wood to Your Life!

The world is so saturated with the technology nowadays that we begin to forget our roots. Just take a look around- we wake up in the morning to the sound of our iPhone 4 chirping crickets. A quick stroll to the bathroom and we are brushing our teeth with an electric toothbrush or shaving with an electric razor. A full day of working on our Mac at work leaves us feeling like a zombie. Finally we get home, sit in front of the TV and fiddle around on our iPad until we get tired and go to bed. Then it starts over again…

We are surrounded by so much technology that we begin to forget our roots. That is what Root Cases-, a company based out of a small town in Idaho, strives to achieve- integrate nature with technology! They want people to remember each day just how beautiful nature really is. They think that Wood cases are our solution to this problem.
Root Cases are all made with great precision and care. Each one is very unique and has a bit of its own character due to the nature of wood- Bamboo, Zebrawood, Walnut and Wenge. They are the real representation of how to blend technological tendencies with stylish woods! Whether you need to protect your iPhone 4, Macbook, or iPad, Root Cases is working on a solution. These cases are ridiculously sustainable!

They go even further in their efforts in helping the planet, Root Cases has joined 1% for the planet, a coalition of businesses that donate 1% of profits to further the growth and sustainability of the earth. Also, for every wood iPhone, Macbook, or iPad case sold, they will plant a tree!

For more information click here

Thursday, January 20, 2011

$10,000 + $5000 from MacPhun- for the lucky 10th billion app download!

Apple App store is about to hit 10 billion app downloads! A person to purchase the 10th billion app can win $10,000 iTunes gift card from Apple. This event is also remarkable for one more reason – MacPhun – the developer of photo and video apps, promises extra bonus from $1000 to $5000 to the same lucky user- $1000 - if it is any app from Photography category, $5000 - if the app is FX Photo Studio.

The live countdown on the iTunes shows that this will happen very soon, and the fortunate user of iPhone, iPod touch or iPad can now expect to get a total of $15,000!!! It’s not all - with an idea to drive more attention to the Photography category of the App Store, MacPhun promises $1000 iTunes Gift Card, if any photography app becomes the One! Any photo app by any developer created no matter where can win this price in case it is available in the Apple app store and hits the 10th billion download!

For more information click here

Sunday, January 16, 2011

4G Changing Our Lives…

The 4th generation of technology- 4G of wireless connectivity... When should the development process end? How does it impact our lifestyle and what impact it may have on mobile broadband? Let’s look back- it all started with the 1G, with the POD- analog system, allowing people to communicate via wireless connection for the first time, followed by 2G- offering upgraded and faster analog system to users. With the complex digital signal 2G featured, it was available to send larger packets of data via text messages. Then 3G came around, expanding the digital signal, allowing us to connect to internet and download all the needed information more or less with high speed, but not enough for video chatting or HD video streaming. So here comes the 4th and the last G so far, offering increased speeds and more connectivity opportunities.

4G is still being developed, but actually, it has somehow already changed our lives- we do not read books, do not buy newspapers, do not watch TV, do not sleep and do not eat as much as we did before- as there is so much to do with it. How long is it since you last bought a CD of your favorite singer and listened to it in your Hi-Fi? Personally, I could never imagine myself sitting in a bus traveling form country to country, being online on Facebook through my mobile phone without any stress, checking my notifications. This is what 4G mobile phone plans promise for the nearest future- being connected to internet no matter where you are- the connection to 4G towers from virtually any location on Earth!

The question arises- whether 4G a competitor of 3G, or complementary one. As for me, if 4G is available, I’ll never go back to 3G any more. But the experts claim, that the accelerated growth in demand for 4G stimulates interest in broadband wireless apps and this also has a beneficial impact for 3G. As 4G has not revealed its full potential, it’s anticipated, that the effect on mobile broadband will be revolutionary, but positive, by providing spectral efficiency. So, take pleasure of high speed internet connection despite your location and no clogged networks any more!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

For your consideration…

iPhones, as well as everything in nature, are not perfect as it may seem at first glance. And as everything in nature, it needs support and prevention as well. Since its release in 2007, iPhone users have experienced many problems concerning connectivity issues or "missing" functions. So, here are some FIPs (Frequently Incurred Problems) that the users of Apple iPhones of all generations, mostly come across with.

  • Front Glass/ Touchscreen Blemish

The boldest problem of all- even if you happen to drop your iPhone, the screen is cracked, while the phone works normally, as before. You can feel the scratch with your finger, it hinders you while watching videos or viewing images, or simply, you get tired looking at it. Fortunately, there are number of companies providing solution of this problem and replace the front glass/touch sensor/digitizer assembly completely, but still, try to be more careful with this gentle part of your beloved iPhone.
Another outcome of dropping your iPhone may be LCD damage, which is expressed by a big blotch on your phone screen, preventing to see what’s displayed behind. Most often it looks like an ink-splotch. In the best case, you may see some fractions of viewable area at the top of the screen. Solution from this situation is one – LCD replacement.
  • Battery Replacement
Complaints about the batteries mostly concern the longevity of the time, it needs to be charged. For your luck, the replacement of your battery with an exact OEM is possible and widely used practice that saves your time.
  • Vibrate Switch/Headphone Jack/Power Button replacement
Very often, when silent mode is activated, your iPhone starts acting strangely, making inadequate vibrant of switches to loud mode spontaneously. This is the feebleness of the circuit that unites volume buttons, headphone jack, and power/sleep button. Luckily, the repair and the change of the circuit (if necessary), is possible, for you to get back in control of the sound and vibrations your iPhone makes. The headphone jack is also the weak spot that needs gentle treatment. The fixes of this feature is also easily available, so you can listen to your favorite songs again, without replacing your iPhone with some other devices.

Moreover, concerns with home button, docking charger or data recovery are commonly problematic for iPhone users. Unfortunately most of you may not be able to solve these problems alone, but don’t worry, there are plenty of service providers, dealing with this kind of fixes.Now the biggest problem for Apple is considered to be the last release, iPhone 4, that is not incompatible with older iOS devices. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Limited Price range for Apps?!

The Apple’s iPhone app store is loaded with thousands of applications produced by different people for different usage situations or just for fun. The diverse of the categories indicates that there is an app for everyone, corresponding even the most unusual needs of Apple users. 

It appeared that despite the legitimate and extremely powerful distribution channel for the content, the customers still seem to be reluctant to pay a lot of money to get desired app. The price limit for the apps usually varies from $1 to $9.99. 10 USD is the maximum price to pay when purchasing apps for the majority of users (68%). This fact is steadied with the rating of the apps, which shows that the most popular and commonly purchased apps are those with the price up to $10.

It turned out that circa 6% of apple users do not by apps at all, as they see no need to waste money in something, that you can from some other source, while the rest 28% is ready to pay more than $10 to get the desired app. There sure are the exceptional apps, that are either distinguished from others with the unique content or intellectual property, or provide beneficial experience or value for customers.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Skype Hits a New Record!

Skype has introduced video calling for iOS devices few days ago. As there were lots of other good alternatives for video calling, the release of Skype was neither a surprise, nor a sensation. No one would ever take care of this fact, if Skype has not announced that it has reached a new milestone in its history- 27 million users online at the same time!!!

The Skype video calls appeared to be as popular among Apple users, as it was for other Skype customers. This fact totally covers the previous record by Skype, that was even less than 26million users online in video chat simultaneously. It is clear, that the introduction of video calling to iOS system devices has significantly lead to increased customer base.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Paprika Recipe Manager – unique recipe book from Hindsight Labs LLC!

Paprika Recipe Manager has been released by Hindsight Labs LLC for your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. This new app lets you manage your recipes. With Paprika Recipe Manager you can add your own recipes, browse for them online or paste from any website.  This is the most useful app for those who love to cook, taste exotic dishes or just experiment. The rich collection of recipes will be ready for your use anytime.

Paprika Recipe Manager allows users to create their own recipes and organize them in the most convenient way. The general categories such as favorites and different searching tools are available. The app features the tool for adding ingredients from selected recipes and a meal planner for a week. While cooking, the screen does not turn off, so you do nit need to unlock it for several times.

The synchronization of the recipe lists is available through online sync solution to exchange the existing collections among multiple iPhones, iPod touches and iPads. Users are also allowed to share their recipes to friends via emails in case of internet support.

Features Highlight:
* Add your own recipes;
* Browse for recipes online;
* Make a grocery list;
* Plan your meals;
* Prevent the screen from turning off while cooking;
* Organize your recipes;
* Email recipes and grocery lists;
* Sync across iOS devices.

Device Requirements:
* Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad;
* Requires iPhone OS 4.0 or later;
* 3.3 MB.

Pricing and Availability:
Paprika Recipe Manager 1.0 for iPhone is $4.99 USD and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Lifestyle category. Paprika Cloud Sync is available as an in-app purchase for an annual subscription of $19.99 USD.

For more information click here

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Egozoo Cards 1.0 – new generation of greeting cards!

Announcing that Egozoo Cards 1.0 has been released by Egozoo for the iPhone and iPod touch. With this entertaining app you can record and mix animated talking greeting cards according to the occasion.  The broad range of cards includes all the general themes such as I Love You, I'm Sorry, I Miss You, Happy Birthday, etc. After selecting one of them the animals appear dressed according to the event. 

Six different cartoon animals are available for users to choose which of them will speak and play music.  After recording spoken or sung message, you can replay the animation and make changes if necessary. The result is a professionally produced animation with an instrumental accompaniment to the user’s voice. The presented characters include: Mr. Joe- a cartoon elephant form a small town in India, Larry - a lamb from Texas, Caesar- a hedgehog from Antarctica, Bo- a Giraffe also from Antarctica, Tommy -a Panda from China and Lisa a Panda from Italy.

Every animal character can move, blink or change facial expressions with a touch. Their mouths move according to the words spoken while recording the message. You can send the animations via Facebook and email, or share them with others by uploading self-created animations on YouTube.  Egozoo Cards amaze the recipients, make them laugh and break their brains about how such a sophisticated greeting card was created.

Feature Highlights:
* Funny cartoon animals
* All cards are animated
* Users are able to record songs, mix music then share them on Facebook, upload to YouTube or email.
* Record voice normally, or create "chipmunk" effect
* Retina Display enabled for bright, hi-res design

Device Requirements:
* Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod touch 3rd & 4th generation
* iOS 4.1 or later
* 53.1 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Egozoo Cards 1.0 is free and available in the Apple's App Store. Review copies are available upon request.

For more information click here

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Vegas mate 3.0- a travel book for every tourist!

Vegas Media group has announced the release of  Vegas mate 3.0 for iPod touch and iPad. With this unique application users can read,write and share reviews for hundreds of hotels, restaurants and nightclubs located in Las Vegas and get informed about new events and shows. Vegas Mate 3.0 features information about the weather and tipping and as well.

With Vegas Mate 3.0 you can plan your whole trip to Vegas by using the rich database the app offers, choose a hotel that suits your requirements or see the places nearby. All the latest Las Vegas content is included (hotel rates, guides, restaurant menus) and is updated approximately every five weeks. After building the trip plan, users can share it to a friend via email, or print it using Apple's new AirPrint technology.

The app saves lots of tourists’ time and shares the experience of other tourists that have already visited the place. This helps users to identify if the place they are going to visit is worth it. Vegas mate 3.0 can help you orient based on your location, with the help of built-in location technology it features. The application supports US English, German, Romanian, Russian and Spanish languages to be useful for every tourist.

Features Highlight:
* Read, write and share reviews for hundreds of hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, and shows in Las Vegas
* Create trip plans in the app that you can print and share
* See what's nearby (and know if it's any good) at a glance
* View restaurant menus (where available)
* Reserve restaurants via OpenTable
* Expert Help feature includes information on tipping, climate, the '$20 trick' as well as other travel tips
* Show all locations quickly on a map

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch or iPad
* Requires iOS 4.0 or later
* Universal Application
* 17.7 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Vegas Mate 3.0 is $1.99 USD and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Travel category.

For more information click here

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Forecast Your Life with Bone Weight Astrology 1.0!

Bone Weight Astrology 1.0 has been released by MarsApp for iPhone and iPod touch. For users who are interested in Chinese Astrology the new app reveals a person's character and traits, and luck throughout the lifetime.

The Bone Weight Astrology features well-designed interface and is simple to use. After entering the birth date, the app selects the Chinese Zodiac of the user from 12 different animal signs. According to the system, user’s character is more or less like the chosen animal. Then the weights of the year, month, day and hour of birth are calculated and added together to formulate the forecast for the combined weight.

The accurately explained result includes information about five major Fortunes - Wealth, Career, Love, Health and Interpersonal Relationship according to your Chinese zodiac. This system is much more reliable than the traditional astrology. You will also be able to look through the upcoming year for the person you are interested in and have some fun with your friends by this fascinating app in your iPhone or iPod touch. Bone Weight Astrology will soon be available for the iPad as well.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch
* requires iOS 3.1 or later (iOS 4.0 Tested)
* 6.5 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Bone Weight Astrology 1.0 is $2.99 USD is available worldwide through the App Store.

For more information click here