Sunday, January 23, 2011

PC versus Mac

NPolls made a survey among iPhone/iPod and iPad users worldwide and got to the conclusion that 84% use normally a PC computer (Only 28% have an Apple computer). But if price was not an issue 67% would choose a Mac!

Most of Apple computer users have Macbook Pro (39%) with iMac coming on second with 32% and Macbook Air at the bottom with only 4%. Among Mac OS X users, 45% have a Windows partition or a virtual machine with it. 56% of Mac OS X users told NPolls that the main disadvantage of Macs is that hardware is more expensive. This relates with advantages and disadvantages of Mac OS X: Interface, performance, installation and stability were very well rated as the best advantages of Mac OS (above 4,5 in a 1-5 scale). Price was, obviously, the only problem found...

Windows was rated well on software and hardware compatibility (above 4 in a 1-5 scale), while stability, system configuration and price comes more as a problem. Also, Macs were considered prettier than Windows. 66% Users told NPolls that they were happy with the computer they have while 7% we really unhappy. But one of the most staggering findings is that 67% of all the people said if price was not an issue they would choose a Mac...
Analyzing the data carefully we can see that the issue about users you prefer Mac is a little less pronounced in USA, with 63% preferring the Mac if price was not an issue. In the rest of the world the percentage is 70, the same as among the women. Also, people with ages between 25 and 54 years tend to accentuate this preference (about 70% also). The percentage of people who have a windows partition is a little shocking. Among Arts & Design and Computer & IT professionals this percentage is much higher (46% in Arts & Design). Of course, students come in the end of the list with less than 21% using Macs.

Although 7% of users are completely unhappy with their computer, this percentage is very low among Mac users (only 2%). The Windows users are pulling this percentage high, even in users who are “more or less” satisfied with their computer. Note that the sample size was 1035 polls answered from 67 different countries, from 19th of January.

For more information click here

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