Sunday, January 30, 2011

We LOVE Apps!

NPolls composed a survey of 5.013 iPhone/iPod/iPad users in 68 countries, concluding that the community is crazy about apps! In fact, 55% of individuals have downloaded more than 10 free apps in the last month and 69% have bought apps in the last month.  

This poll was created with the NPolls iOS App between 21 and 23 of January, on a worldwide level focusing on iOS user app behavior. 86% of people who answered to the poll have purchased apps, where 6% of them spent more than 20 USD on apps in the last month. However, it was found to be most common that individuals spent less than 5 USD in the last month (32%). From the survey, it was concluded that game apps are, by far, the most popular, where 74% of users have bought games. Sports and travel/lifestyle were among the less favored categories (19% and 20% of answers stating they have purchased these apps). 

In which categories have you bought apps?

Purchasing habits of apps varied from country to country. French users are very conservative in buying apps (every vote below the overall behavior), in USA and UK, individuals tend to purchase more frequently. UK users prefer entertainment and music apps, whereas Italian users tend to buy utility/productivity apps. German users behave very similar to the overall habits of users. When asked the type of business model app consumers prefer, the answer was “free!”. Period trials, limited features or 1 USD start price are rarely considered. People prefer free apps with advertising (66% of answers). 

Another interesting conclusion from our survey is that app consumers buy on impulse. 81% do not bother to research before buying software. More than 86% do not care if the app seems useful or not. Most of consumers buy apps after evaluating the description/reviews of the app (36%). 89% recommend apps to their friends and 70% frequently write reviews about purchased or downloaded apps. One thing is for sure, if people don’t like the app they downloaded, they will delete them… after all, only 1% of our users have never downloaded a single app and 53% have delete apps, claiming they were bored of it. 

What are the main reason(s) you would delete an app?

Among the iPod users, deleting apps out of boredom is very common, reaching an impressing 65% of users. While among iPad users, the percentage is 41%. Discarding apps in order to download/buy others is very popular among individuals younger than 25 (62% rid of their app due to boredom) while 34% of the audience older than 40 years declared the same.

For more information click here

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