Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Some Secret Tips!

Here are some most useful iPhone tips, tweaks, secrets that you couldn't imagine existed for your complete and easy use of iPhone! Here are some of them and if found interesting, we will try to provide further information.

Keyboard Tips- Shift Key: Apple with its vast iMac experience has featured the shift key press option on the iPhone multi-touch screen. This is especially relevant if you want to capitalize few letters without pressing the CAPSLOCK option. In the iPhone the double tap primarily serves three functions. The double tap zooms in on anything you tap in Google Maps, Safari browser and in Photos. You can also zoom out by double tapping again. While watching videos just double tap to remove or restore the letterbox bars at the side. Quickly double tapping the space bar also adds a period and space. If you want to type letters or symbols that are not visible on the keyboard just hold down the related letter or symbol and slide to pick the variation.

iPhone Battery Tips and Secrets- If you want to enhance your iPhone battery lifespan remember to avoid temperature extremes. Avoid using your iPhone at temperatures higher than 95° F (or 35° C) and in very cold environments. Using the iPhone in very hot conditions can inflict permanent battery damage whereas cold temp usage causes temporary battery performance degradation. Keep your iPhone software constantly updated to ensure your phone has the latest battery performance maximization technology. Some apps are battery draining like viewing videos, gaming, email and so on. Just remember the following battery tips to maximize its life. It may sound weird but its true that not using the iPhone for long time at a stretch decreases the battery life. Use it regularly and charge the battery at least once every six months even if you don't use your iPhone regularly.

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