Whenever I have need of a new color in a project, I add new methods to my
UIColor(MoreColors) category. I recently refactored it to be more compact and to require less typing to add a new color. I'm pulling the color names and definitions from Wikipedia.
Edit: I got tired of doing these piecemeal, so I decided to use awk to generate a category that includes all the colors that
Wikipedia lists.
I'm normally not someone to skimp on vertical space, but compacting this just fell right, makes it more comprehensible. Consistency, after all, is the hobgoblin of little minds.
For those playing along at home, here is where it currently stands:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface UIColor(MoreColors)
+ (id)aliceBlue;
+ (id)alizarin;
+ (id)amaranth;
+ (id)amber;
+ (id)amethyst;
+ (id)apricot;
+ (id)aqua;
+ (id)aquamarine;
+ (id)armyGreen;
+ (id)asparagus;
+ (id)atomicTangerine;
+ (id)auburn;
+ (id)azure;
+ (id)azureWeb;
+ (id)babyBlue;
+ (id)beige;
+ (id)bistre;
+ (id)black;
+ (id)blue;
+ (id)pigmentBlue;
+ (id)rybBlue;
+ (id)blueGreen;
+ (id)blueViolet;
+ (id)bondiBlue;
+ (id)brass;
+ (id)brightGreen;
+ (id)brightPink;
+ (id)brightTurquoise;
+ (id)brilliantRose;
+ (id)britishRacingGreen;
+ (id)bronze;
+ (id)brown;
+ (id)buff;
+ (id)burgundy;
+ (id)burntOrange;
+ (id)burntSienna;
+ (id)burntUmber;
+ (id)camouflageGreen;
+ (id)caputMortuum;
+ (id)cardinal;
+ (id)carmine;
+ (id)carnationPink;
+ (id)carolinaBlue;
+ (id)carrotOrange;
+ (id)celadon;
+ (id)cerise;
+ (id)cerulean;
+ (id)ceruleanBlue;
+ (id)champagne;
+ (id)charcoal;
+ (id)chartreuse;
+ (id)chartreuseWeb;
+ (id)cherryBlossomPink;
+ (id)chestnut;
+ (id)chocolate;
+ (id)cinnabar;
+ (id)cinnamon;
+ (id)cobalt;
+ (id)columbiaBlue;
+ (id)copper;
+ (id)copperRose;
+ (id)coral;
+ (id)coralRed;
+ (id)corn;
+ (id)cornflowerBlue;
+ (id)cosmicLatte;
+ (id)cream;
+ (id)crimson;
+ (id)cyan;
+ (id)processCyan;
+ (id)darkBlue;
+ (id)darkBrown;
+ (id)darkCerulean;
+ (id)darkChestnut;
+ (id)darkCoral;
+ (id)darkGoldenrod;
+ (id)darkGreen;
+ (id)darkKhaki;
+ (id)darkPastelGreen;
+ (id)darkPink;
+ (id)darkScarlet;
+ (id)darkSalmon;
+ (id)darkSlateGray;
+ (id)darkSpringGreen;
+ (id)darkTan;
+ (id)darkTurquoise;
+ (id)darkViolet;
+ (id)deepCerise;
+ (id)deepChestnut;
+ (id)deepFuchsia;
+ (id)deepLilac;
+ (id)deepMagenta;
+ (id)deepPeach;
+ (id)deepPink;
+ (id)denim;
+ (id)dodgerBlue;
+ (id)ecru;
+ (id)egyptianBlue;
+ (id)electricBlue;
+ (id)electricGreen;
+ (id)electricIndigo;
+ (id)electricLime;
+ (id)electricPurple;
+ (id)emerald;
+ (id)eggplant;
+ (id)faluRed;
+ (id)fernGreen;
+ (id)firebrick;
+ (id)flax;
+ (id)forestGreen;
+ (id)frenchRose;
+ (id)fuchsia;
+ (id)fuchsiaPink;
+ (id)gamboge;
+ (id)metallicGold;
+ (id)goldWeb;
+ (id)goldenBrown;
+ (id)goldenYellow;
+ (id)goldenrod;
+ (id)greyAsparagus;
+ (id)green;
+ (id)greenWeb;
+ (id)pigmentGreen;
+ (id)rybGreen;
+ (id)greenYellow;
+ (id)grey;
+ (id)hanPurple;
+ (id)harlequin;
+ (id)heliotrope;
+ (id)hollywoodCerise;
+ (id)hotMagenta;
+ (id)hotPink;
+ (id)indigo;
+ (id)indigoWeb;
+ (id)internationalKleinBlue;
+ (id)internationalOrange;
+ (id)islamicGreen;
+ (id)ivory;
+ (id)jade;
+ (id)kellyGreen;
+ (id)khaki;
+ (id)lightKhaki;
+ (id)lavender;
+ (id)lavenderWeb;
+ (id)lavenderBlue;
+ (id)lavenderBlush;
+ (id)lavenderGrey;
+ (id)lavenderMagenta;
+ (id)lavenderPink;
+ (id)lavenderPurple;
+ (id)lavenderRose;
+ (id)lawnGreen;
+ (id)lemon;
+ (id)lemonChiffon;
+ (id)lightBlue;
+ (id)lightPink;
+ (id)lilac;
+ (id)lime;
+ (id)limeWeb;
+ (id)limeGreen;
+ (id)linen;
+ (id)magenta;
+ (id)magentaDye;
+ (id)processMagenta;
+ (id)magicMint;
+ (id)magnolia;
+ (id)malachite;
+ (id)maroonWeb;
+ (id)maroon;
+ (id)mayaBlue;
+ (id)mauve;
+ (id)mauveTaupe;
+ (id)mediumBlue;
+ (id)mediumCarmine;
+ (id)mediumLavenderMagenta;
+ (id)mediumPurple;
+ (id)mediumSpringGreen;
+ (id)midnightBlue;
+ (id)mintGreen;
+ (id)mistyRose;
+ (id)mossGreen;
+ (id)mountbattenPink;
+ (id)mustard;
+ (id)myrtle;
+ (id)navajoWhite;
+ (id)navyBlue;
+ (id)ochre;
+ (id)officeGreen;
+ (id)oldGold;
+ (id)oldLace;
+ (id)oldLavender;
+ (id)oldRose;
+ (id)olive;
+ (id)oliveDrab;
+ (id)olivine;
+ (id)orange;
+ (id)rybOrange;
+ (id)orangeWeb;
+ (id)orangePeel;
+ (id)orangeRed;
+ (id)orchid;
+ (id)paleBlue;
+ (id)paleBrown;
+ (id)paleCarmine;
+ (id)paleChestnut;
+ (id)paleCornflowerBlue;
+ (id)paleMagenta;
+ (id)palePink;
+ (id)paleRedViolet;
+ (id)papayaWhip;
+ (id)pastelGreen;
+ (id)pastelPink;
+ (id)peach;
+ (id)peachOrange;
+ (id)peachYellow;
+ (id)pear;
+ (id)periwinkle;
+ (id)persianBlue;
+ (id)persianGreen;
+ (id)persianIndigo;
+ (id)persianOrange;
+ (id)persianRed;
+ (id)persianPink;
+ (id)persianRose;
+ (id)persimmon;
+ (id)pineGreen;
+ (id)pink;
+ (id)pinkOrange;
+ (id)platinum;
+ (id)plum;
+ (id)powderBlue;
+ (id)puce;
+ (id)prussianBlue;
+ (id)psychedelicPurple;
+ (id)pumpkin;
+ (id)purpleWeb;
+ (id)purple;
+ (id)purpleTaupe;
+ (id)rawUmber;
+ (id)razzmatazz;
+ (id)red;
+ (id)pigmentRed;
+ (id)rybRed;
+ (id)redBiolet;
+ (id)richCarmine;
+ (id)robinEggBlue;
+ (id)rose;
+ (id)roseMadder;
+ (id)roseTaupe;
+ (id)royalBlue;
+ (id)royalPurple;
+ (id)ruby;
+ (id)russet;
+ (id)rust;
+ (id)safetyOrange;
+ (id)blazeOrange;
+ (id)saffron;
+ (id)salmon;
+ (id)sandyBrown;
+ (id)sangria;
+ (id)sapphire;
+ (id)scarlet;
+ (id)schoolBusYellow;
+ (id)seaGreen;
+ (id)seashell;
+ (id)selectiveYellow;
+ (id)sepia;
+ (id)shamrockGreen;
+ (id)shockingPink;
+ (id)silver;
+ (id)skyBlue;
+ (id)slateGrey;
+ (id)smalt;
+ (id)springBud;
+ (id)springGreen;
+ (id)steelBlue;
+ (id)tan;
+ (id)tangerine;
+ (id)tangerineYellow;
+ (id)taupe;
+ (id)teaGreen;
+ (id)teaRoseOrange;
+ (id)teaRose;
+ (id)teal;
+ (id)tawny;
+ (id)terraCotta;
+ (id)thistle;
+ (id)tomato;
+ (id)turquoise;
+ (id)tyrianPurple;
+ (id)ultramarine;
+ (id)unitedNationsBlue;
+ (id)vegasGold;
+ (id)vermilion;
+ (id)violet;
+ (id)violetWeb;
+ (id)rybViolet;
+ (id)viridian;
+ (id)wheat;
+ (id)white;
+ (id)wisteria;
+ (id)yellow;
+ (id)processYellow;
+ (id)rybYellow;
+ (id)yellowGreen;
+ (id)zinnwaldite;
#import "UIColor-MoreColors.h"
#define vendColor(r, g, b) static UIColor *ret; if (ret == nil) ret = [[UIColor colorWithRed:(CGFloat)r/255.0 green:(CGFloat)g/255.0 blue:(CGFloat)b/255.0 alpha:1.0] retain]; return ret
@implementation UIColor(MoreColors)
+ (id)aliceBlue {vendColor(240, 248, 255);}
+ (id)alizarin {vendColor(227, 38, 54);}
+ (id)amaranth {vendColor(229, 43, 80);}
+ (id)amber {vendColor(255, 191, 0);}
+ (id)amethyst {vendColor(153, 102, 204);}
+ (id)apricot {vendColor(251, 206, 177);}
+ (id)aqua {vendColor(0, 255, 255);}
+ (id)aquamarine {vendColor(127, 255, 212);}
+ (id)armyGreen {vendColor(75, 83, 32);}
+ (id)asparagus {vendColor(123, 160, 91);}
+ (id)atomicTangerine {vendColor(255, 153, 102);}
+ (id)auburn {vendColor(111, 53, 26);}
+ (id)azure {vendColor(0, 127, 255);}
+ (id)azureWeb {vendColor(240, 255, 255);}
+ (id)babyBlue {vendColor(224, 255, 255);}
+ (id)beige {vendColor(245, 245, 220);}
+ (id)bistre {vendColor(61, 43, 31);}
+ (id)black {vendColor(0, 0, 0);}
+ (id)blue {vendColor(0, 0, 255);}
+ (id)pigmentBlue {vendColor(51, 51, 153);}
+ (id)rybBlue {vendColor(2, 71, 254);}
+ (id)blueGreen {vendColor(0, 223, 223);}
+ (id)blueViolet {vendColor(138, 43, 226);}
+ (id)bondiBlue {vendColor(0, 149, 182);}
+ (id)brass {vendColor(181, 166, 66);}
+ (id)brightGreen {vendColor(102, 255, 0);}
+ (id)brightPink {vendColor(255, 0, 127);}
+ (id)brightTurquoise {vendColor(8, 232, 222);}
+ (id)brilliantRose {vendColor(255, 85, 163);}
+ (id)britishRacingGreen {vendColor(0, 66, 37);}
+ (id)bronze {vendColor(205, 127, 50);}
+ (id)brown {vendColor(150, 75, 0);}
+ (id)buff {vendColor(240, 220, 130);}
+ (id)burgundy {vendColor(128, 0, 32);}
+ (id)burntOrange {vendColor(204, 85, 0);}
+ (id)burntSienna {vendColor(233, 116, 81);}
+ (id)burntUmber {vendColor(138, 51, 36);}
+ (id)camouflageGreen {vendColor(120, 134, 107);}
+ (id)caputMortuum {vendColor(89, 39, 32);}
+ (id)cardinal {vendColor(196, 30, 58);}
+ (id)carmine {vendColor(150, 0, 24);}
+ (id)carnationPink {vendColor(255, 166, 201);}
+ (id)carolinaBlue {vendColor(156, 186, 227);}
+ (id)carrotOrange {vendColor(237, 145, 33);}
+ (id)celadon {vendColor(172, 225, 175);}
+ (id)cerise {vendColor(222, 49, 99);}
+ (id)cerulean {vendColor(0, 123, 167);}
+ (id)ceruleanBlue {vendColor(42, 82, 190);}
+ (id)champagne {vendColor(247, 231, 206);}
+ (id)charcoal {vendColor(70, 70, 70);}
+ (id)chartreuse {vendColor(223, 255, 0);}
+ (id)chartreuseWeb {vendColor(127, 255, 0);}
+ (id)cherryBlossomPink {vendColor(255, 183, 197);}
+ (id)chestnut {vendColor(205, 92, 92);}
+ (id)chocolate {vendColor(123, 63, 0);}
+ (id)cinnabar {vendColor(227, 66, 52);}
+ (id)cinnamon {vendColor(210, 105, 30);}
+ (id)cobalt {vendColor(0, 71, 171);}
+ (id)columbiaBlue {vendColor(155, 221, 255);}
+ (id)copper {vendColor(184, 115, 51);}
+ (id)copperRose {vendColor(153, 102, 102);}
+ (id)coral {vendColor(255, 127, 80);}
+ (id)coralRed {vendColor(255, 64, 64);}
+ (id)corn {vendColor(251, 236, 93);}
+ (id)cornflowerBlue {vendColor(100, 149, 237);}
+ (id)cosmicLatte {vendColor(255, 248, 231);}
+ (id)cream {vendColor(255, 253, 208);}
+ (id)crimson {vendColor(220, 20, 60);}
+ (id)cyan {vendColor(0, 255, 255);}
+ (id)processCyan {vendColor(0, 180, 247);}
+ (id)darkBlue {vendColor(0, 0, 139);}
+ (id)darkBrown {vendColor(101, 67, 33);}
+ (id)darkCerulean {vendColor(8, 69, 126);}
+ (id)darkChestnut {vendColor(152, 105, 96);}
+ (id)darkCoral {vendColor(205, 91, 69);}
+ (id)darkGoldenrod {vendColor(184, 134, 11);}
+ (id)darkGreen {vendColor(1, 50, 32);}
+ (id)darkKhaki {vendColor(189, 183, 107);}
+ (id)darkPastelGreen {vendColor(3, 192, 60);}
+ (id)darkPink {vendColor(231, 84, 128);}
+ (id)darkScarlet {vendColor(86, 3, 125);}
+ (id)darkSalmon {vendColor(233, 150, 122);}
+ (id)darkSlateGray {vendColor(47, 79, 79);}
+ (id)darkSpringGreen {vendColor(23, 114, 69);}
+ (id)darkTan {vendColor(145, 129, 81);}
+ (id)darkTurquoise {vendColor(0, 206, 209);}
+ (id)darkViolet {vendColor(148, 0, 211);}
+ (id)deepCerise {vendColor(218, 50, 135);}
+ (id)deepChestnut {vendColor(185, 78, 72);}
+ (id)deepFuchsia {vendColor(193, 84, 193);}
+ (id)deepLilac {vendColor(153, 85, 187);}
+ (id)deepMagenta {vendColor(204, 0, 204);}
+ (id)deepPeach {vendColor(255, 203, 164);}
+ (id)deepPink {vendColor(255, 20, 147);}
+ (id)denim {vendColor(21, 96, 189);}
+ (id)dodgerBlue {vendColor(30, 144, 255);}
+ (id)ecru {vendColor(194, 178, 128);}
+ (id)egyptianBlue {vendColor(16, 52, 166);}
+ (id)electricBlue {vendColor(125, 249, 255);}
+ (id)electricGreen {vendColor(0, 255, 0);}
+ (id)electricIndigo {vendColor(102, 0, 255);}
+ (id)electricLime {vendColor(204, 255, 0);}
+ (id)electricPurple {vendColor(191, 0, 255);}
+ (id)emerald {vendColor(80, 200, 120);}
+ (id)eggplant {vendColor(97, 64, 81);}
+ (id)faluRed {vendColor(128, 24, 24);}
+ (id)fernGreen {vendColor(79, 121, 66);}
+ (id)firebrick {vendColor(178, 34, 34);}
+ (id)flax {vendColor(238, 220, 130);}
+ (id)forestGreen {vendColor(34, 139, 34);}
+ (id)frenchRose {vendColor(246, 74, 138);}
+ (id)fuchsia {vendColor(255, 0, 255);}
+ (id)fuchsiaPink {vendColor(255, 119, 255);}
+ (id)gamboge {vendColor(228, 155, 15);}
+ (id)metallicGold {vendColor(212, 175, 55);}
+ (id)goldWeb {vendColor(255, 215, 0);}
+ (id)goldenBrown {vendColor(153, 101, 21);}
+ (id)goldenYellow {vendColor(255, 223, 0);}
+ (id)goldenrod {vendColor(218, 165, 32);}
+ (id)greyAsparagus {vendColor(70, 89, 69);}
+ (id)green {vendColor(0, 255, 0);}
+ (id)greenWeb {vendColor(0, 128, 0);}
+ (id)pigmentGreen {vendColor(0, 165, 80);}
+ (id)rybGreen {vendColor(102, 176, 50);}
+ (id)greenYellow {vendColor(173, 255, 47);}
+ (id)grey {vendColor(128, 128, 128);}
+ (id)hanPurple {vendColor(82, 24, 250);}
+ (id)harlequin {vendColor(63, 255, 0);}
+ (id)heliotrope {vendColor(223, 115, 255);}
+ (id)hollywoodCerise {vendColor(244, 0, 161);}
+ (id)hotMagenta {vendColor(255, 0, 204);}
+ (id)hotPink {vendColor(255, 105, 180);}
+ (id)indigo {vendColor(0, 65, 106);}
+ (id)indigoWeb {vendColor(75, 0, 130);}
+ (id)internationalKleinBlue {vendColor(0, 47, 167);}
+ (id)internationalOrange {vendColor(255, 79, 0);}
+ (id)islamicGreen {vendColor(0, 153, 0);}
+ (id)ivory {vendColor(255, 255, 240);}
+ (id)jade {vendColor(0, 168, 107);}
+ (id)kellyGreen {vendColor(76, 187, 23);}
+ (id)khaki {vendColor(195, 176, 145);}
+ (id)lightKhaki {vendColor(240, 230, 140);}
+ (id)lavender {vendColor(181, 126, 220);}
+ (id)lavenderWeb {vendColor(230, 230, 250);}
+ (id)lavenderBlue {vendColor(204, 204, 255);}
+ (id)lavenderBlush {vendColor(255, 240, 245);}
+ (id)lavenderGrey {vendColor(196, 195, 221);}
+ (id)lavenderMagenta {vendColor(238, 130, 238);}
+ (id)lavenderPink {vendColor(251, 174, 210);}
+ (id)lavenderPurple {vendColor(150, 120, 182);}
+ (id)lavenderRose {vendColor(251, 160, 227);}
+ (id)lawnGreen {vendColor(124, 252, 0);}
+ (id)lemon {vendColor(253, 233, 16);}
+ (id)lemonChiffon {vendColor(255, 250, 205);}
+ (id)lightBlue {vendColor(173, 216, 230);}
+ (id)lightPink {vendColor(255, 182, 193);}
+ (id)lilac {vendColor(200, 162, 200);}
+ (id)lime {vendColor(191, 255, 0);}
+ (id)limeWeb {vendColor(0, 255, 0);}
+ (id)limeGreen {vendColor(50, 205, 50);}
+ (id)linen {vendColor(250, 240, 230);}
+ (id)magenta {vendColor(255, 0, 255);}
+ (id)magentaDye {vendColor(202, 31, 23);}
+ (id)processMagenta {vendColor(255, 0, 144);}
+ (id)magicMint {vendColor(170, 240, 209);}
+ (id)magnolia {vendColor(248, 244, 255);}
+ (id)malachite {vendColor(11, 218, 81);}
+ (id)maroonWeb {vendColor(128, 0, 0);}
+ (id)maroon {vendColor(176, 48, 96);}
+ (id)mayaBlue {vendColor(115, 194, 251);}
+ (id)mauve {vendColor(224, 176, 255);}
+ (id)mauveTaupe {vendColor(145, 95, 109);}
+ (id)mediumBlue {vendColor(0, 0, 205);}
+ (id)mediumCarmine {vendColor(175, 64, 53);}
+ (id)mediumLavenderMagenta {vendColor(204, 153, 204);}
+ (id)mediumPurple {vendColor(147, 112, 219);}
+ (id)mediumSpringGreen {vendColor(0, 250, 154);}
+ (id)midnightBlue {vendColor(0, 51, 102);}
+ (id)mintGreen {vendColor(152, 255, 152);}
+ (id)mistyRose {vendColor(255, 228, 225);}
+ (id)mossGreen {vendColor(173, 223, 173);}
+ (id)mountbattenPink {vendColor(153, 122, 141);}
+ (id)mustard {vendColor(255, 219, 88);}
+ (id)myrtle {vendColor(33, 66, 30);}
+ (id)navajoWhite {vendColor(255, 222, 173);}
+ (id)navyBlue {vendColor(0, 0, 128);}
+ (id)ochre {vendColor(204, 119, 34);}
+ (id)officeGreen {vendColor(0, 128, 0);}
+ (id)oldGold {vendColor(207, 181, 59);}
+ (id)oldLace {vendColor(253, 245, 230);}
+ (id)oldLavender {vendColor(121, 104, 120);}
+ (id)oldRose {vendColor(192, 46, 76);}
+ (id)olive {vendColor(128, 128, 0);}
+ (id)oliveDrab {vendColor(107, 142, 35);}
+ (id)olivine {vendColor(154, 185, 115);}
+ (id)orange {vendColor(255, 127, 0);}
+ (id)rybOrange {vendColor(251, 153, 2);}
+ (id)orangeWeb {vendColor(255, 165, 0);}
+ (id)orangePeel {vendColor(255, 160, 0);}
+ (id)orangeRed {vendColor(255, 69, 0);}
+ (id)orchid {vendColor(218, 112, 214);}
+ (id)paleBlue {vendColor(175, 238, 238);}
+ (id)paleBrown {vendColor(152, 118, 84);}
+ (id)paleCarmine {vendColor(175, 64, 53);}
+ (id)paleChestnut {vendColor(221, 173, 175);}
+ (id)paleCornflowerBlue {vendColor(171, 205, 239);}
+ (id)paleMagenta {vendColor(249, 132, 229);}
+ (id)palePink {vendColor(250, 218, 221);}
+ (id)paleRedViolet {vendColor(219, 112, 147);}
+ (id)papayaWhip {vendColor(255, 239, 213);}
+ (id)pastelGreen {vendColor(119, 221, 119);}
+ (id)pastelPink {vendColor(255, 209, 220);}
+ (id)peach {vendColor(255, 229, 180);}
+ (id)peachOrange {vendColor(255, 204, 153);}
+ (id)peachYellow {vendColor(250, 223, 173);}
+ (id)pear {vendColor(209, 226, 49);}
+ (id)periwinkle {vendColor(204, 204, 255);}
+ (id)persianBlue {vendColor(28, 57, 187);}
+ (id)persianGreen {vendColor(0, 166, 147);}
+ (id)persianIndigo {vendColor(50, 18, 122);}
+ (id)persianOrange {vendColor(217, 144, 88);}
+ (id)persianRed {vendColor(204, 51, 51);}
+ (id)persianPink {vendColor(247, 127, 190);}
+ (id)persianRose {vendColor(254, 40, 162);}
+ (id)persimmon {vendColor(236, 88, 0);}
+ (id)pineGreen {vendColor(1, 121, 111);}
+ (id)pink {vendColor(255, 192, 203);}
+ (id)pinkOrange {vendColor(255, 153, 102);}
+ (id)platinum {vendColor(229, 228, 226);}
+ (id)plum {vendColor(204, 153, 204);}
+ (id)powderBlue {vendColor(176, 224, 230);}
+ (id)puce {vendColor(204, 136, 153);}
+ (id)prussianBlue {vendColor(0, 49, 83);}
+ (id)psychedelicPurple {vendColor(221, 0, 255);}
+ (id)pumpkin {vendColor(255, 117, 24);}
+ (id)purpleWeb {vendColor(128, 0, 128);}
+ (id)purple {vendColor(160, 92, 240);}
+ (id)purpleTaupe {vendColor(80, 64, 77);}
+ (id)rawUmber {vendColor(115, 74, 18);}
+ (id)razzmatazz {vendColor(227, 11, 92);}
+ (id)red {vendColor(255, 0, 0);}
+ (id)pigmentRed {vendColor(237, 28, 36);}
+ (id)rybRed {vendColor(254, 39, 18);}
+ (id)redBiolet {vendColor(199, 21, 133);}
+ (id)richCarmine {vendColor(215, 0, 64);}
+ (id)robinEggBlue {vendColor(0, 204, 204);}
+ (id)rose {vendColor(255, 0, 127);}
+ (id)roseMadder {vendColor(227, 38, 54);}
+ (id)roseTaupe {vendColor(144, 93, 93);}
+ (id)royalBlue {vendColor(65, 105, 225);}
+ (id)royalPurple {vendColor(107, 63, 160);}
+ (id)ruby {vendColor(224, 17, 95);}
+ (id)russet {vendColor(128, 70, 27);}
+ (id)rust {vendColor(183, 65, 14);}
+ (id)safetyOrange {vendColor(255, 102, 0);}
+ (id)blazeOrange {vendColor(255, 102, 0);}
+ (id)saffron {vendColor(244, 196, 48);}
+ (id)salmon {vendColor(255, 140, 105);}
+ (id)sandyBrown {vendColor(244, 164, 96);}
+ (id)sangria {vendColor(146, 0, 10);}
+ (id)sapphire {vendColor(8, 37, 103);}
+ (id)scarlet {vendColor(255, 36, 0);}
+ (id)schoolBusYellow {vendColor(255, 216, 0);}
+ (id)seaGreen {vendColor(46, 139, 87);}
+ (id)seashell {vendColor(255, 245, 238);}
+ (id)selectiveYellow {vendColor(255, 186, 0);}
+ (id)sepia {vendColor(112, 66, 20);}
+ (id)shamrockGreen {vendColor(0, 158, 96);}
+ (id)shockingPink {vendColor(252, 15, 192);}
+ (id)silver {vendColor(192, 192, 192);}
+ (id)skyBlue {vendColor(135, 206, 235);}
+ (id)slateGrey {vendColor(112, 128, 144);}
+ (id)smalt {vendColor(0, 51, 153);}
+ (id)springBud {vendColor(167, 252, 0);}
+ (id)springGreen {vendColor(0, 255, 127);}
+ (id)steelBlue {vendColor(70, 130, 180);}
+ (id)tan {vendColor(210, 180, 140);}
+ (id)tangerine {vendColor(242, 133, 0);}
+ (id)tangerineYellow {vendColor(255, 204, 0);}
+ (id)taupe {vendColor(72, 60, 50);}
+ (id)teaGreen {vendColor(208, 240, 192);}
+ (id)teaRoseOrange {vendColor(248, 131, 194);}
+ (id)teaRose {vendColor(244, 194, 194);}
+ (id)teal {vendColor(0, 128, 128);}
+ (id)tawny {vendColor(205, 87, 0);}
+ (id)terraCotta {vendColor(226, 114, 91);}
+ (id)thistle {vendColor(216, 191, 216);}
+ (id)tomato {vendColor(255, 99, 71);}
+ (id)turquoise {vendColor(48, 213, 200);}
+ (id)tyrianPurple {vendColor(102, 2, 60);}
+ (id)ultramarine {vendColor(18, 10, 143);}
+ (id)unitedNationsBlue {vendColor(91, 146, 229);}
+ (id)vegasGold {vendColor(197, 179, 88);}
+ (id)vermilion {vendColor(227, 66, 51);}
+ (id)violet {vendColor(139, 0, 255);}
+ (id)violetWeb {vendColor(238, 130, 238);}
+ (id)rybViolet {vendColor(2, 71, 54);}
+ (id)viridian {vendColor(64, 130, 109);}
+ (id)wheat {vendColor(245, 222, 179);}
+ (id)white {vendColor(255, 255, 255);}
+ (id)wisteria {vendColor(201, 160, 220);}
+ (id)yellow {vendColor(255, 255, 0);}
+ (id)processYellow {vendColor(255, 239, 0);}
+ (id)rybYellow {vendColor(254, 254, 51);}
+ (id)yellowGreen {vendColor(154, 205, 50);}
+ (id)zinnwaldite {vendColor(235, 194, 175);}