Friday, November 21, 2008

iPhone SDK & OS 2.2 is Out

I'm a little slow on the ball this morning - usually the iPhone Dev Center is one of my first stops on my morning routine, but somehow didn't go there this morning. Was alerted to the fact that 2.2 is now the release version via a tweet. You should update your iPhone or iPod Touch via iTunes before installing the 2.2 SDK.

If my understanding is correct, that means 2.2 can now be openly discussed. Wonder how long it is until we start getting seeded 2.3 betas?

Edit: You should download the 2.2 SDK, THEN update your phone through iTunes, and then install the SDK. Once you update your phone, you will be unable to continue using it as a development device until you install the 2.2 SDK, and right now, throughput on the download isn't that great.

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