Sunday, November 23, 2008

“iPhone your life’ site”

A new section on Apple’s website - “iPhone Your Life,” as it’s called, allows you to see applications as they relate to different parts of your life, and what app they would recommend to make the phase of your life easier in some way.

Apple has sections for: Around Town (related to local food and events), World Travel (events and other stuff from around the world), At Home (on therange with family and home related apps), Getting Things Done (productivity apps for business), and Fun and Games (self-explanatory; games for the iPhone are an exploding market right now).

They have staff picks, top downloaded apps, and descriptions of featured applications. It’s an interesting philosophical approach to the everyday use of the smartphone, and the apps recommended are generally the best of the lot.
To the end and for the top of “iPhone your life’ site” – Once you own an iphone, you discover that it’s more than a phone. It’s a way of life. Take a look at some ideas to help you get the most out of your iphone, wherever you go. But first of all don’t forget about us -


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