Sunday, November 9, 2008

FourTrack: Multitrack iPhone Audio Recorder

Macintosh software released a new audio application called FourTrack for the iPhone and iPod touch. It can record audio, and it targets musicians who wish to experiment with songs on the iPhone.

FourTrack works with the iPhone’s built-in microphone, a headset mic, or an iPod touch with a third-party mic and headphones.

As the name suggests, the app has four tracks that are recorded at 16bit, 44.1kHz and can be unlimited in length, or until your iPhone is full. The interface shows meters for recording and playback levels, recording clip lights, faders for each channel, and pan controls.

FourTrack also features a Compressor and Limiter, latency compensation and Wi-Fi sync so you can get your recordings off your iPhone or iPod to store elsewhere.

FourTrack cost $9.99 and uoy can get it at the AppStore.


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