Friday, September 30, 2011

Great Expectation of iPhone5

It’s no doubt that so much-awaited iPhone5 is coming, after Apple has announced a media event with the slogan “Let’s Talk iPhone” on October 4th. The huge buzz is surrounding the next generation smartphone by Apple, the rumors are uncontrollable, one and all ant to guess what an iPhone5 will look like. Here are some features that we all expect from iPhone5 to bring:

A Brand New Design- this is the most discussed topic of all! However, numerous pictures of new iPhone cases have been released, which in no way could hold the previous versions of the iPhone. See our Gallery of possible iPhone5 designs, were you can find the best, but still the fake photos of iPhone5 appearance.

Faster Performance- Microsoft released Mango update, Samsung is striving for better performance… So to keep up with competitors, Apple most likely will be upgrading the RAM on the iPhone 5. Faster and smoother performance- this is what we all would like to get!

Better Camera- iPhone4 has been introduced with the increased camera capabilities, so logically, it’s expected that iPhone5 camera should be even further sophisticated! Many experts believe the screen will be larger, the camera will be 8 megapixels instead of 5, and the iPhone5 will allow for full 1080p recording!

More Carriers- Apple has gradually been outspreading its’ reach to new carriers. There is some rumor that Apple will comprise new carriers for the iPhone 5. Some rumors have specified T-Mobile will be included, especially with AT&T trying to buy them. Sprint will likely be presenting the iPhone 5 with an limitless data plan, which AT&T / Verizon no longer offer.

iOS 5- iPhone5 will obviously be launched with a new operating system, providing up to 200 new features! You can see exactly what’s included on the Official Apple iOS5 page

Voice Recognition- As long as Apple acquired a voiced-based personal associate service Siri last year and has not used it much at all, at least that we know of. Apple may be incorporating this service on iPhone5, offering us voice recognition feature!

More we speak, further our needs go, so not have a huge customer gap later, let’s quit imagining now and wait for October 4th for the truth to be unveiled!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

iPhone5 Potential Designs

After Apple sent the invitations for a real product launch to tech journalists and industry pundits for the event, called “Let’s Talk iPhone!” on October 4th, the only question remaining about iPhone5 is what will it look like! Outside of a definite office complex in Cupertino and a limited other secret places around the world, not one person knows the exact answer to that, but numerous are willing to predict.

Below you can see a gallery showing the top 10 attempts at guessing the iPhone5 design — some refined guesses based on trickles, others wild yet attractive stabs in the dark, and still others just aspiring thinking. The actuality must lie somewhere within.

Obviously, the question and more will be responded on October 4 when the new iPhone(s) are revealed, but in anticipation of then, let’s take a look at this gallery of imaginings, assumptions, gossips and word of mouth, mixing it all together into an impression of what we might be seeing at the biggest rollout of the year!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pro-Share Updated Again

Remember we’ve reviewed one of the “what’s hot” apps - Pro-Share by iApps24 not long ago? We are glad to announce one more update! For those who are still not aware, Pro-Share links all the hottest social networks and enables you to share your photos with just a tap to the whole world! You no longer need to use different straggler apps for different nets; with pro-Share, being amongst top 100 apps in 5 App Stores, counting US and UK, you can: share, review, connect, transfer and capture!

Pro-Share seems to be one of the fastest developed apps in applications industry, announcing second update since its launch several months ago. To better suit your requirements, Pro-Share now offers video uploads up to 10 minutes, font editing feature straight from the app and many more! Once more about the app features:

Upload full size images without compromising quality
Simultaneously send/receive over Bluetooth/WiFi
Upload photos/videos in the background
Add captions and comments to photos
Create new photo album or a batch via Cover-Flow
Queue & send multiple albums with single tab

What's New in Version 2.2
Basic image filters
Ability to manually start upload queue
Improved video upload

So do not miss your chance and visit Apple App Store to get Pro-Share for your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad. (Or for all of them if you’re lucky enough to own all three iDevices)

Official: iPhone5 Launched On October 4th

The iPhone5 is coming. This is no rumor, no guesswork, and no fuzzy photo taken by someone allegedly holding a lost iPhone5 prototype. Apple has sent the invitations for a real product launch to tech journalists and industry pundits! The event, called “Let’s Talk iPhone!” will take place on October 4, 2011 and will start at 10:00 AM PST (West Coast time zone). The presentation will take place at Apple’s HQ in Cupertino, breaking away from Apple’s traditional events location at Yerba Buena conference hall in San Francisco.

The invitation does not explicitly state that the event is held for iPhone5 introduction, and if it isn’t a talk about the iPhone 5, led by new CEO Tim Cook, we’ll be quite astonished: Apple’s crack team of PR commandos are tremendously good at steering expectations away from things that just aren’t going to happen.

But... what about the “one more thing?” This essential of Steve Jobs’s keynotes and product launches is basically an Apple trademark. It’s also a typical showstopper move: get your spectators excited about the main thing you’re introducing, and then overwhelm and delight them with a whole other product out of left field. With this said, the tech giant is also likely to unveil a second, cheaper iPhone model based off the current iPhone 4.

It is not known whether Steve Jobs, who resigned from the role of Apple CEO in August, will be present at the event. Keep tracking our blog for the latest news about Apple's grand event, and feel free to express your opinions in the comments below.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Not Enough iPhone 5’s At Launch

Apple won’t have sufficient amount of iPhone 5’s at unveiling – actually a need of panic! Rendering industry sources, by the reason of a manufacturing fault at a plant belonging to Apple’s subcontractor company Wintek, there potentially will be fewer iPhone 5 units transported to the USA than it was initially intended.

Conferring to DigiTimes, air bubbles in iPhone 5’s LCD screen lid were the definite defect that Apple had to treat with.

The company planned to ship 25-26 million units of the iPhone 5 in the fourth quarter of 2011, while WinTek had to provide around 25% of the LCD sensor units. Obviously this won’t be happening now, so depending on demand Apple might not have enough units available for every person who’s looking forward to upgrade.

Apple’s iPhone 5 is projected to be introduced in October 2011.

Monday, September 26, 2011

iPhone5 Breaking Apple Tradition

Apple’s iPhone 5 occasion on Oct. 4 will occur at the company’s Cupertino campus, not in San Francisco where all the preceding iPhones and iPads have been publicized. As is the practice with the mysterious Cupertino company, Apple’s not saying anything about the forthcoming presentation of its latest iPhone, but rendering All Things D’s “sources close to the company,” the earth’s first look at the latest smartphone will be at Apple’s Town Hall Auditorium, instead of the customary Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA) or as part of Macworld or WWDC at San Francisco’s Moscone Center.

Afar that gossips, the motives for such a change in venue are purely hypothetical. It’s speculated that conceivably the new Apple CEO Tim Cook doesn’t care for the echoing YBCA, instead opting for a more acquainted, smaller and intimate place closer to home. Maybe the Wi-Fi or cellular data bandwidth is more consistent on the Cupertino campus, letting Apple to better reveal its wares and us media types to more successfully show our still photos and live blogs of the event. Maybe the reality misrepresentation field is more influential there.

Away from the location of the event, with the new management of CEO Cook, there are guaranteed to be some changes in the Apple way of presenting products. For example, we can daydream about a live streaming video feed of the event, not overriding any of the live and occasionally amusing remarks from various bloggers, but improving them with a live graphic record for all to see.

One thing’s unquestionable: Apple’s remarkable confidentiality rests intact, promising billions of dollars’ worth of free advertising leading up to the event.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Apple’s New Store In Shanghai

Apple plans to open its store in Shanghai and Hong Kong this week, reaching the total number of its stores in China to six.

The new store of Apple will be the third one of the company in Shanghai. Request for Apple's devices in China has climbed since the company introduced its iPhone4 in the country last September. For the first three months of 2011, iPhone sales in China saw upsurge of almost 250%.

Apple's iPad has also leads China's tablet market, with a 74% of market share, according to Beijing-based research firm Analysis International. Demand for the Apple devices has been so high that illegal resellers in China have produced fake Apple stores by using the company's logos to embellish their shops. Officials have already reacted by cracking down on the fake stores in one city.

Apple has said formerly it would open total 25 stores in China in two years’ time. But the pace of store introductions so far has been much sluggish and focused on China's major cities. Apple's latest store in Shanghai will be the company's largest one in the country.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Create Unforgettable Memories with WatchMeChange

An innovative app by MJH, WatchMeChange allows you to watch family and friends’ faces changing through quick pictures the user snaps each day, automatically positioning the photos into aright order and creating short time lapse video.  The app is quite simple- all you have to do is to snap a pic of yourself or your beloved ones daily, and the rest is done by WatchMeChange!

Despite the face version, there are a weight loss and pregnancy versions available, taking full body shots and allowing you to track your weight or how far along you are in your pregnancy. WatchMeChange is perfect way of watching your child grow day by day, or create unforgettable memories of your pregnancy or just watch your beard grow over an extended period of time! You can even have multiple users and export the video in HD as well!

The app can be used for hundreds of different purposes- track your house building, your pet growing, your home-plant blossoming day by day! WatchMeChange will never let your most touching moments disappear from the memory! Here is the incomplete list of the WatchMeChange features:

Creates a time lapse video of you or your loved ones changing over time;
You can have multiple users;
Share the video on Facebook, YouTube, or twitter;
Export the video in HD and add music from your iPod library to the video.

WatchMeChange is available in the Apple App Store in the lifetime category.

Track The Falling NASA Satellite In Real Time

For those who are not still aware, out-of-control US satellite tumbles back to Earth and will hit the ground in several hours. 26 pieces that NASA says will survive the burn-up re-entry through the atmosphere have a 1 in 3200 chance of hitting someone – which will most certainly end their life.

How could you get ready for such an event? Even though the odds are slight that you’ll get bombarded on the head (1 in 3,200), unless you’re underground, most of the remains could easily slice through the roof of any common building…

But do not lose the hope, despite endangering our lives, NASA has also thought about the solution- the satellite tracking app for your iDevices that is available in App Store for FREE! Users can access NASA countdown clocks, image of the Day, online videos, NASA’s Twitter feeds and the most important- the NASA App also provides three different views to allow users to track the current positions of the International Space Station and other spacecraft currently orbiting Earth!

The question is whether NASA had known about the possible catastrophe before, or the app has just been developed for curious sky gazers. Anyway, as several hours are remaining before the UARS falling satellite reaches the earth, go and get the NASA App to increase your odds of avoiding the satellite falling on you.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Game of Chance iPhone Apps

The iPhone industry is at its technology peak these days. Now, there are endless, different and varied iPhone applications for almost any topic that you'd like. For example card game app, finance app, business app, weather app, news app, gaming apps and many, many more.

There are some famous gambling apps that are used all over the world. One of those apps is virgin casino app. It is very interesting to play on it, it's nicely designed, the graphics are amazing and everybody can easily play it. The various gamers uses it for playing casino games, poker games, slots games,  roulette games and keno games. It also offers many other gambling games, the list goes on.

The users who play casino online wins a huge number of rewards everyday and this brings them good chance to make their own identity in this big world. Moreover, they get enough money to lead a luxury life, a life we all wish for ourselves. These iPhone apps are the coolest apps that gamblers can dream about, for all the reasons written above.

Apple To Definitely Announce iPhone5 In October

Apple‘s fresh CEO, Tim Cook, will hold a huge media event Oct. 4 to reveal the iPhone 5, All Things Digital bangs mentioning sources “familiar with the matter”.

If accurate, the presentation date of the next generation iPhone is steady with the recent wave of gossips demanding it will be released early in October.

According to the report, the sources claim that Cook will lead over the announcement — with the help of other key executives such as Phil Schiller, who contributed in such events previously as well — which would give this event even more importance. Cook must convince the shareholders, the viewers and Apple fans all over the world that he can sure-handedly take over the role of Apple CEO and company showman. This will be his first keynote as the CEO and the expectations for that particular job are, simply put, enormous.

It is not known whether Steve Jobs, who resigned from the role of Apple CEO in August, will be present at the event.

Apple- The Most Admired Company In Terms Of Its Customer Experience

Apple has been crowned the most admired company in terms of its customer experience, in a survey of global business leaders. The survey, conducted by customer-experience experts Beyond Philosophy, looked at the risk that re-branding and other initiatives could have on customer experience for a company, but also at which brands the surveyed individuals most admired. Belos you can find the quote from the survey report:

The top three companies most admired by CE experts for the customer experience they deliver are technology companies, with Apple ranking first, followed by Amazon and Zappos.

“Apple has married all the elements of its experience and connected with its customers in a  deeply emotional, irrational way,” said Walden, adding, “Amazon put a stake in the ground when  it announced it would become the world’s most customer-centric company, and Zappos claims  to be a customer service organization that happens to sell shoes.”

“Well-established CRM technologies allow these companies to use the data they collect to deliver a highly-personalized experience,” said Walden. “But there’s something more inherent to the way these leaders deliver the experience; they use the copious data they collect to truly understand customers and their motivations in order to deliver a satisfying experience in a meaningful way.”

Other companies ranking in the top 10 most admired for customer experience include, in descending order: Starbucks (retail), Disney (entertainment), Tesco (retail), Virgin Atlantic(aviation), Vodafone (telecom), Nordstrom (retail) and First Direct (banking).

Monday, September 19, 2011

iPhone5 Latest Headlines

The tension and the incisiveness of the rumors around Apple’s latest smartphone iPhone5 reach its culmination... Every tech blog has its own versions about what would the 5G iDevice look like, when it will be launched and how much it will cost…

As each of the e-publications claim to have the information from “reliable” sources, we decided to sum up all the latest rumors and present you the recent summary about iPhone5 news.

According to one of the latest rumors, Apple is expected to hold a press event to unveil its next-generation smartphone in the next few weeks, The New York Times is reporting. This isn’t news — Sprint pretty much gave the date away, canceling store employee vacation for the first two weeks of October. However, the other sources say that two Apple phones will be débuting in the near future. This fits with the rumor that Apple is set to launch a cheaper iCloud-based iPhone that will include prepaid plans and look similar to the iPhone 4.

The second phone, which is so much awaited iPhone 5, is deceptively “a sight to behold” because it is “impossibly light, yet much firmer than Samsung Galaxy phones.” It’s even said that the new iPhone will feature much wider screen and a curved aluminum back, much like the iPad 2.

So the conclusion, as in most cases linked to Apple and its secrecy, is still up to you to make.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Apple Employees Claim iPhone5 Is Weeks Away

With the huge flow of demand about iPhone5 information, this is what we’ve found recently: it may be downright crazy, but Apple will make an iPhone5 announcement in the next few weeks. The source of this probably the most awaited news are two Apple employees in Cupertino, who have told The New York Times that a “fairly different” iPhone 5 is “just weeks away” from its grand launch. Here is the quote from the article:

“We’re just weeks away from the announcement of the new Apple iPhone 5, according to an Apple employee who asked not to be named because he was not allowed to speak publicly for the company.”

One more news: a “credible” iDevice accessory producer temporarily has published what it claimed to be iPhone 5 cases recently. The New York Times has been told by one of its sources inside Apple that the case leaks from earlier today were most likely legitimate:

“From descriptions I’ve heard of the new iPhone from Apple employees, the images seemed potentially authentic. But it seems that Case-Mate might be sneakily trying to take advantage of the excitement over the phone by posting and then unposting the images. These things rarely happen accidentally, especially when it comes to new Apple products.”

The same source keeps claiming that the next iPhone will have a 8 megapixel camera, with either this model or the next sporting a new Qualcomm chip with NFC communications technology for mobile payments.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

iPhone5 Leaked Design Details

Take your first look at a screen protector that has been designed for the iPhone5, it shows off the stretched home button seen in the leaked design document.

While we've seen countless claimed iPhone 5 case designs in the past, none had shown the front of the device. The elongated home button area design, however, was shown in leaked design documents. The plan documents only show areas that need to be unprotected or open to the user, so it doesn't mean the physical home button will inevitably adopt the exact shape. 

The hole for the front facing camera has been included in the elongated hole for the speaker as seen in this image. There's been some suspicions raised lately about what shape the iPhone 5 might actually take. Despite all these case designs emerging from China, we should remind you that all these cases have been obtained from a shared leaked design document. So, there's been little extra confirmation that this is an accurate image of what the iPhone 5 will look like. We've also seen no actual part leaks related to this theatrical restructure. 

The only part leaks we've seen come from an iPhone 4-like N94 design. Apple is widely expected to release the iPhone 5 in September/October.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

iPhone5- Stronger Demand Expected

According to a survey conducted recently among 2,200 potential cellphone buyers, it turned out that more people are likely to buy the iPhone5 than were ready to put their money down for an iPhone4 before that was launched.

The Research shows that 31% of users who are presently shopping for a new phone regard it as “very likely” (13%) or “somewhat likely” (18%) they will end up with an iPhone 5 in their hands. Compare that with the numbers for the iPhone 4 — 12% and 13% respectively — and what you have is a level of “bottled” demand that is exceptional in surveys like this.

Of course, that’s basically a function of the fact that we’ve had to wait so long for the iPhone 5. Its forerunner is nearly 15 months old at this stage; that’s a lifetime in cellphone years. Some 66% of current iPhone owners say they plan to upgrade to the new model, sight invisible. That includes a whole lot of iPhone 3GS users, who opted to skip a generation.

There’s also some fascinating news for the survey: Fully 54% of their subscribers say they are “significantly likely” or “somewhat more likely” to buy the iPhone 5, which reports suggest will be launched on Sprint complete with an unlimited data plan, of the kind that AT&T and Verizon no longer offer. But if current iPhone usage is any indication, the amount of bandwidth those customers will suck up may be more than Sprint can cost-effectively afford…

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How To Turn Battery Percentage Meter On

For those who have ever wanted to know the exact remaining percentage of their iPhone battery life, we have a quick solution. Out of the box, the iPhone has a battery meter which is a graphical representation of a battery, showing you the used and left capacity of your iBattery. As it is very small, it is hard to accurately tell how much battery life you have left. There is a way to make it much clearer, read on to find out how to do it.

To turn on the battery percentage reading, follow the simple steps listed below: 

Click on Settings;
Click on General;
Click on Usage.

You will now see a page with information on the usage of your iPhone together with the time since last charge, standby time, call time and data usage. All these are very interesting, but far from the topic, let’s get back to battery life: Turn on the toggle for Battery Percentage.

Once turned on, you will now see the percentage of battery life remaining in the top notification bar throughout the operating system screens. That’s it!

Monday, September 12, 2011

iPhone5 Smaller Than Expected?

Some new pictures of the iPhone 4 and iPod touch practically drowning in the now-famous iPhone 5 cases have been posed recently, pointing toward a thinner and wider design revamp. iPhone5 seems to be significantly smaller than we thought…

The designers used iPhone 5 cases leaked Apple design document as their lodestar and the effect shows- a tapered design and a notably thinner body. Nevertheless, according to the renderings, the phone itself ought to be 4.33" x 2.36", shorter but a little wider than the current iPhone4. When they measured the cases, they found it to be designed for a phone around 4.7" x 2.6", with some room for error. These cases seem to be a bit larger…

The uncertainty reaches the culmination. Unless someone somehow shows dimensions for that lost iPhone5, we won't be able to know the truth until the iPhone5 is revealed in October, as last said.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Finally – iPhone5 Released in October!

iPhone 5 launch date rumors are whirling again as a new report says an AT&T vice president has definite plans to launch the phone in early October.

AT&T sources had confirmed that a company vice president had told several employees the device would be out in early October. In addition, the executive told a group of managers to expect things to get busy during the next 35 to 50 days, asking them to prepare their teams consequently.While some sources within Apple suggest the next two months are going to be extremely busy, but can’t be more specific.

The device’s release date has been the focus of much anticipation on the web lately, with many more reports fluctuating between September and October as possible time frames for the launch. At the beginning of this month, All Things Digital said the next generation iPhone would come out in October. But just last week, a report from a Japanese website specified the device would be released in September, during a rumored Apple media event. Meanwhile, during his company’s last earnings call, Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam said he expected the phone out in the fall.

In the past, newer versions of the iPhone have typically been released during Apple’s summer Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). But that didn’t happen this year, following the release of the Verizon iPhone 4 in February.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

iPhone5 Rumor Roundup

via Mashable
Apples iPhone5 is probably the most awaited smartphone in the world. The rumors reach the culmination about the latest iDevice, that will presumably exceed the excitement and the sales of iPhone4.

The so-much-anticipated iPhone5 is said to hit the market this fall. By now, there are numerous rumors about the launch date, the design, price and features of the latest smartphone. So let's look back and see what has been said and written so far. So, off we go... and start from our first post about iPhone5.

Not claimed to be true, not exactly ideal, but it’s only the first of many related rumors to come - White iPhone 5 ?! - instead of iPhone4 white version...

The other day the other source claims that he has evidence of iPhone 5 coming in July ?! (sorry, would have been coming), earlier than expected, and brings up some news on the features added and the changed design.

Some time later we get the news about iPhone5 More Details , and brings the sensation -  observers noticed a tell-tale signs that point to an A5 processor inhabiting the new iPhone 5 while examining the iOS4.3. This is the same chip that gives the iPad 2 its spanking drive!

Then some sad news come along- about iPhone5 Delayed?! The reports claimed that due to the fact that the components required for iPhone5 functioning are not yet ordered by Apple. This affects the launch date: the delay is expected.

After being disappointed by the fact that July has passed with no news from Apple about iPhone5, "the  sources familiar with the matter" reported that while Apple’s providers will begin manufacturing in July this year, Shipping the Next iPhone was starting in September

Then some pessimistic source decided that  if Apple does launch an iOS5 that is incompatible with the 3GS, they are cutting off a lot of their existing market (?!) so We Would have See An iphone5 Next Week?  (that should have been in July...)

Then there came the iPhone 4th Anniversary! and the rumors about iPhone5 had stopped for some time... But that silence did not last to long- iPhone5 was still voiced in some Latest iPhone Headlines in August...

And the last news heard was that Apple Employee Lost iPhone5 Prototype In the Bar-  one of the world’s most popular – latest model of Apple smartphone, that has not yet been launched and is probably the most awaited iDevice ever.. 

Conclusions are up to you to make....

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Apple Employee Lost iPhone5 Prototype In the Bar

One of the world’s most popular – latest model of Apple smartphone, that has not yet been launched and is probably the most awaited iDevice ever, has been lost by the Apple employee in the bar in San Francisco.

The information about the loss is still kept secret, but a person close to the investigation process revealed that the missing prototype has not yet been found.High-tech innovation is likely to already been sold on the Internet auction. iPhone 5 is going to hit the world market this fall.

It is not the first time, when the company's products scandalously disappear before their official release by Apple – one of the tech-blogs managed to hand last year's iPhone 4 - a prototype, which they bought for $ 5000 from student Brian Hogan. The blog published the iPhone's unique technical reviews and exclusive photos of the newest device then.

Hogan claimed that he found an unknown iPhone model in San Francisco, close to the pub in the yard, where it had been presumably dropped by one of Apple’s engineers.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Ultimate New Experience With iDuhKnow!

Let us introduce iDuhKnow – a maddening, addictive, irritating, frustrating game for iPhone and iPad 2 by The Illusion Factory  / Questsphere ! If you’re looking for the ultimate new experience for your iDevice, this game is exactly for you then. iDuhKnow is the newest game to bring the best of the new technologies to life.

The game is very fun, charming, stimulating and totally unlike the other games you’ve played. iDuhKnow is available in the Apple App Store for FREE , just so you can get a taste of what is about to come…This is just the beginning. If you discover that you are passionate about this cutting edge new 3D interactive brain quiz, rest guaranteed that there is a much more robust version that is coming after this one!

The big thing to note is that if you solve this game, you will be entered for free into a drawing to win an iPhone 5! All you need is to provide accurate information while registering, and you get a chance to be one of the first lucky owners of the much awaited Apple’s latest device!

For more information click here.

Friday, September 2, 2011

iOS5 Beta Goes Live . . . For Developers

iOS 5, the latest version of the world's most advanced mobile operating system, includeing over 200 new user features, and an updated SDK with over 1,500 new APIs and powerful new development tools- is now live! Developers can take advantage of iCloud Storage, Newsstand Kit, Core Image, GLKit, Twitter and new Game Center APIs.

iOS 5 features iMessage- a new messaging service that works between all iOS 5 users over Wi-Fi and 3G. iMessages are automatically pushed to all iOS 5 devices, making it easy to maintain one conversation across iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. In iOS 5 SDK, the Message sheet now supports the iMessage service, so you can start individual or group text conversations from within your app.

There are many more new features added, and the old ones upgraded. For more detailed information click here.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Best iPhone Games for FREE!

We adore our iPhones, carry it with us all the time and always try to make the best use of it! The best thing about the device is its wide range of proposed games, and most of them do not require spending a penny from you!

There are number of iPhone games offered for free, that guarantee fun and excitement! Follow the link and enjoy the list of Top 100 Free iPhone Games available!

Knight Defense For Your iDevices

For those who are keen on chess or tower defense games - let me introduce Knight Defense  for your iPhone and Knight defense HD  for your iPad! Unlike many similar ones, this app is intelligent and is going to throw a lot of encounters your way. You need to keep your wits about you and develop some clever tactics to fend off opponents who attack in waves in an effort to capture your king. Don’t let them thrive!

There are 25 levels presented ranging over three different levels of difficulty. Normally levels are short and will be over in a matter of minutes. The Point of Difference of the game is that as well as looking great, there are solid tutorials to get you up to speed. Below you’ll find the features Knight Defense has to offer:
Intelligent interface
Engaging gameplay
Lots of exciting explosions
Moveable towers
Powerful special abilities
Game Center, OpenFeint leaderboards & achievements
Move and upgrade your forces in real-time
Each level is a hand-crafted scenario with many different ways to win
Select from 25 various easy, medium and hard difficulty levels
Game tutorial included

Knight Defense is fully compatible for your large iPad screen in HD format. So get Knight Defense  for iPhone or Knight Defense HD  for your iPad right now!

New Time Warp Alarm Clock for iOS

We are happy to introduce one more great alarm app from Zebrica- Time Warp Alarm Clock that has just been launched! The app skins spectacular particle effects, iPod music alarms as well as great in-built alarm jingles, fun touch effects and effortlessly customizable colors that can be easily shared with your contacts & friends!

The app features 5 different particle types to choose from, and the in-built colors include Crystal Turquoise, Sunflower Yellow, Royal Purple and Infinite Rainbow! Making your own custom colors is simple and  easily shareable by an email from within the app. 

You can choose a song for the alarm either from your iPod library or from the sounds included in the app. The sounds available range from “Train Bells” to “Angry Kitty” and many more.

The clock can display the time in analog or digital modes, and has an option to display in 12 hour or 24 hour format. Also note that alarms play even when the screen is locked, and in iOS4 will play even when the app isn't running.


  • Spectacular particle effects
  • iPod audio for alarms, or choose from 9 custom-made alarm sounds
  • Create & share custom colors
  • Fun touch effects!
  • Exclusive music track “Dream Song”
  • Polished interface
  • Universal – runs great on all your iOS devices, new and old
  • Background alarms in iOS4: the alarm is on even if the app isn’t
  • Updates to come including more alarm sounds!

The app is compatible with iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad and requires iOS 3.0 or later. You can download the app  from the Apple App Store for just $0.99, it can be found in the Utilities category for iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch.