Monday, September 12, 2011

iPhone5 Smaller Than Expected?

Some new pictures of the iPhone 4 and iPod touch practically drowning in the now-famous iPhone 5 cases have been posed recently, pointing toward a thinner and wider design revamp. iPhone5 seems to be significantly smaller than we thought…

The designers used iPhone 5 cases leaked Apple design document as their lodestar and the effect shows- a tapered design and a notably thinner body. Nevertheless, according to the renderings, the phone itself ought to be 4.33" x 2.36", shorter but a little wider than the current iPhone4. When they measured the cases, they found it to be designed for a phone around 4.7" x 2.6", with some room for error. These cases seem to be a bit larger…

The uncertainty reaches the culmination. Unless someone somehow shows dimensions for that lost iPhone5, we won't be able to know the truth until the iPhone5 is revealed in October, as last said.

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