Thursday, September 29, 2011

iPhone5 Potential Designs

After Apple sent the invitations for a real product launch to tech journalists and industry pundits for the event, called “Let’s Talk iPhone!” on October 4th, the only question remaining about iPhone5 is what will it look like! Outside of a definite office complex in Cupertino and a limited other secret places around the world, not one person knows the exact answer to that, but numerous are willing to predict.

Below you can see a gallery showing the top 10 attempts at guessing the iPhone5 design — some refined guesses based on trickles, others wild yet attractive stabs in the dark, and still others just aspiring thinking. The actuality must lie somewhere within.

Obviously, the question and more will be responded on October 4 when the new iPhone(s) are revealed, but in anticipation of then, let’s take a look at this gallery of imaginings, assumptions, gossips and word of mouth, mixing it all together into an impression of what we might be seeing at the biggest rollout of the year!

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