Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tough Love from 37Signals

You probably know who David Heinemeier Hansson is (creator of Rails, Basecamp, and several other wonderful things). Well, he's got a post over on the 37Signals Blog today that is short and brilliant. It may come across as a little harsh, but it's not. It's spot-on accurate.

If you want to be successful as an iPhone (or any other kind of developer), you may have to make sacrifices. You might have to give up or cut back on things you enjoy, like television, movies, and games. When you sit down to play World of Warcraft, and the next thing you know it's 3 AM, well, just imagine how much coding or learning you could have done in that time. Overnight successes are the exception. Most success stories involve a lot of hard work and long hours.

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