Tuesday, March 17, 2009

iPhone OS 3.0

If you follow me on Twitter, you already know how I feel about all the demos they did at the press event today, and about all the demos they did last year at the WWDC keynote. I feel like Apple's losing their ability to gauge an audience. Third party demos should be short, sweet, and few in number because people come to hear from Apple. I don't need to see the newly announced features in action five different ways. One demo per major feature is more than enough.

But, I'm still very impressed with the stuff we saw today. There's a lot of stuff there, even more than was actually discussed, based on some of the slides, there are other things that weren't talked about, like Core Data (SQLPO might no longer be needed).

I've had a lot of people ask me what's going to happen with the book. I don't have an answer to that right now. Dave and I are talking. We're going to download the new SDK and look it over, and then talk with Apress and make a decision.

But, nothing I saw today has made me change my mind from my previous post. I didn't see anything today that looked like it changed the fundamental way you build applications. I believe that most of the code in the book will compile and run under the 3.0 SDK, and with a few tweaks, I'm fairly sure all of it will.

There is quite a bit of new functionality that it might make sense to cover, either by adding chapters, or doing another book. We simply don't have enough information from the press event today to know how we're going to address things, but today's event shouldn't make you go throw away all your existing iPhone SDK books. All of the conceptual information, and most of the actual code samples should still be valid.

Once we know more, I'll post about it here.

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