Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I've been enjoying the 360 iDev Conference (Note - Google has their site blacklisted, but they are actually legit and the site is safe to visit). I'm planning on doing a full write-up of my impressions of the conference when it's over, but I do want to give a quick shout-out to the organizers: Tom and John.

These guys really do a fantastic job with running the conference. They bent over backwards to make the conference informative and fun, putting in some very long days in the process. I honestly can't say a single negative thing about the way the conference has been run. I find it a little hard to believe that the whole thing is being done by basically two guys. If you get a chance to check out a 360 conference at some point, it's really worth your time. As I said, I'll do a full write-up of my impressions, but overall, I'm giving it the thumbs-up, and thought I should say that at least that before the conference ended.

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