Friday, January 9, 2009

Macworld 2009 Post Mortem

Okay, I'm sitting in my hotel room and the Macworld Expo is officially over - it ended at 4:00 (it's 6:33 as I type this). I have an early flight and I decided to be responsible and not go out yet again, though there were a few opportunities that tempted me, including the meetup at the W.

I had a great time this week. My previous trips to Macworld were nowhere near as busy nor anywhere near as fun. I got to talk to and hang out with a huge number of very cool people, got some leads and possible work, and just had an absolutely great time being around other Mac geeks.

But the week has taken its toll on me: I am absolutely exhausted and I got very little work done.

I didn't take very many pictures this week, but one I took that some people might be interested in is this picture of the glossy and non-glare screens on the 17" MacBook Pro side-by-side. It's not a great picture, I only brought my point and shoot and the lighting wasn't very good, but it does show the difference in the screens and the fact that the bezels are different colors (silver vs. black). I definitely like the non-glare better, I'm just not sure I like it $50 better. The glossy screen doesn't bother me as much as it used to.

A huge thanks to all the cool people who made time for me this week, and to anyone I missed, I'm going back into hermit mode, but I'll be back out for WWDC and would love to meet even more Mac and iPhone programmers.

I'll be traveling most of tomorrow, then Sunday is going to be an offline day spent with the family. Monday, I'll be back at my desk, business as usual.

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