Thursday, January 22, 2009

Address Book UI Design Flaw

Apple provides classes to make it easy to let your user select somebody from their iPhone's address book (aka the Contacts application), or to add a new person to their address book. But in an exceptionally rare example of a complete UI miss on Apple's part, there is no easy way to let the user add a new contact when you are prompting them to select an existing person. You have to know beforehand whether they're going to select an existing person, or add a new one. You can't just give them a single + button in a table and easily do both.

Here's what the UI for selecting an existing person looks like:

So... why couldn't we just have the currently-blank left bar button item be an "add new contact" (+) button that dismisses the address book and presents the UI for adding a new person? Why make us go through two separate steps. I mean, not everybody knows exactly who is already in their address book off of the top of their head.

Anyway, I spent some time poking around the header files and the class-dump of the Address Book frameworks trying to see if I could implement this functionality myself, but I started getting way into the realm of disallowed private methods so, out of fear of getting my client's app rejected from the App Store, I gave up. My temporary solution is when the user cancels their selection, I prompt them with an Action Sheet to see if they want to add a new person since they didn't select find one from their address book. It's a little ugly, but better than cluttering up my interface with an additional button. Adding a contact is something people are, most of the time, going to do once, so I really don't want to lose the space to another button.

I opened an enhancement request on this: rdar://6517666

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