Wednesday, January 14, 2009

An iPhone Dev Conference

This coming March, there is a conference for iPhone Developers called the 360|iDev Conference in San Jose, California. The conference is going to be on March 2-4, 2009 (that's a Monday through Wednesday according to my calendar).

I must say that I like the conference motto, "Slide to Rock". I haven't decided if I'm going to go yet. I'm considering putting in a speaking proposal, but I want to find out more about the conference and the speaker arrangements. My conference budget is pretty much tapped out for this year between Macworld and WWDC, so unless there's some compensation or reimbursement for speaking (or I win the lottery in the next few weeks), I probably won't be able to make it simply for financial reasons. Unfortunately, the combination of cross-country airfare, hotel, and losing three days of work income may put it out of reach.

But, it looks like it has the potential to be a very cool conference and I'd like to get there if I can. They appear to have some good speakers lined up and it would be a chance to get together with a few hundred people who are serious about iPhone coding. There's nothing like a geek gathering to make a geek feel all warm and fuzzy, so check it out, and if you go, maybe —just maybe— I'll see you there.

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