Thursday, September 10, 2009

iPhone outruns BlackBerry in app use and social networks

Compete, a TNS Media company, today released the results from its quarterly Smartphone Intelligence survey, which provides behavioral and survey-based insights into how consumers are using their iPhones and other "smart" devices.

iPhone owners are much more likely to download apps and get involved with social networking than their BlackBerry-owning counterparts, Compete revealed today in a new study.

Key findings include:
- 73 percent of Blackberry owners have downloaded 5 or fewer applications; in contrast, 72 percent of iPhone owners have downloaded 10 or more applications.
- Facebook is hot among iPhone owners: 71 percent of iPhone users report accessing Facebook from their mobile device, 37 percent listed Facebook as one of their top three most utilized apps and 18 percent claim it's their favorite app.
- 30 percent of all smartphone owners are either comfortable or very comfortable receiving targeted marketing on their device.

The researchers add that iPhone owners are more willing to buy their apps than BlackBerry owners.

iPhone users are also significantly more likely to have a Twitter account (26% versus 15%) and are more than twice as likely to actually use Twitter on their phones, at 26% compared to 10%. Industry-wide, only 45% have Facebook accounts and 19% have Twitter accounts, and 85% of smartphone Twitter users actually choose to use the website instead.Regardless of platform, 83% of users prefer apps that cost below $5.

In addition to networking activities, smartphone owners are open to receiving targeted marketing via their device. What types of offers make the best candidates for marketers trying to reach networked consumers? Impulse and leisure purchases tend to be easier to digest than big, highly considered ones. Therefore, nearly half of smartphone owners are receptive to location-based offers at restaurants and offers to save and pursue at their leisure, and 45% would use mobile grocery coupons.


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