Thursday, September 10, 2009

How to Request an Application Review

We would like to thank iPhone application developers for their efforts for making the iPhone OS an incredible platform. Past several months we have reviewed a lot applications, both free and commercial. We wanted to give as much coverage as possible to each and every application. Unfortunately, the number of review requests that we receive each week is far beyond what we can handle. Moreover, simply responding to every developer was a tremendous task and we would like to apologize to those who never received our response.

To address the above mentioned issue, we are introducing a commercial application review service for a modest one time fee of   £49. This includes a guaranteed and permanent coverage within 12 hours. Click the Buy Now button below to get started.

Let's Get Started
Once you submit the payment, please e-mail your application link and a promo code to e-mail address. Submitting additional material (screen shots, video, press release) is not required but is highly recommended.

Truly FREEWARE application developers can submit their applications for review without fees. While we cannot guarantee coverage, we will do our best to give you exposure, especially if our editorial team finds your application exciting.

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