Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New iPhone App - “Outbreaks Near Me” Tracks Infectious Diseases

Apple has introduced a new iPhone application “Outbreaks Near Me”, created by a Harvard University professor and a Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate student. The application is designed to gather information from its users about infectious-disease outbreaks.

This new iPhone application will enable individuals in cities and countries around the world to interact with the HealthMap team and participate in the public health surveillance process. Users may take photos - of situations and scenarios of, and/or leading to, disease - with their iPhone and submit them to the HealthMap system for review and eventual posting as an alert on the worldwide map.

The tool was developed as part of the Health Map.org project, which collects and displays information about infectious diseases on an interactive map on its home page. Information on the map is automatically drawn from online sources of infectious-disease data, and is updated each hour.

"Outbreaks Near Me" is available for download for no cost in the iTunes App Store.


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