Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sharing koneksi internet Windows XP ke iPhone/iPodTouch.

Windows XP yg terhubung ke internet (Wi-fi capable)

A. Setup ad hoc wireless network.
1. Start, Control Panel, Network Connections
2. Klik kanan Wireless Network Connection, Pilih Properties.
3. Didalam Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box, klik Wireless Networks tab.
4. Dibawah Preferred networks, Klik Add.
5. Didalam Wireless network properties dialog box, Pada Association tab, Ketik nama ad hoc wireles di Network Name (SSID). Semisal 'Wifi-iPhone'
6. Set Network Authentication 'Open', dan 'Disabled' pada Data encryption.
7. Check pada kotak 'This is a computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network'.
* Bila tidak bisa dipilih (grey), klik Advanced pada tab Wireles Networks..
Tick 'access point preferred' dan check 'Automaticlly connect'.
8. Save, Klik OK dan OK lagi.

B. Enable Internet Connection Sharing.
1. Network Connections window, klik kanan pada Local Area Connection, Lalu klik Properties.
2. Pada dialog box Local Area Connection Properties , klik Advanced tab.
3. Internet Connection Sharing,
Check 'Allow other network users to connect ...'
Uncheck 'Allow other network users to control ...'
4. Klik OK.
5. Tutup Network Connections window.

C. Connect iPhone ke Wi-fi computer.
1. Settings, Wi-Fi set ON.
2. Tap pada nama 'Wifi-iPhone' yg dibuat di A5

D. Buka safari di iPhone/iPodTouch, coba browsing.

E. Done.

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