Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Belated Thanksgiving

As you can see, things have been a little slow the past week. Although I hadn't planned on taking the entire Thanksgiving week off, I ended up doing just that. A combination of burnout and a close family member's health problems triggered almost a week with no significant programming or writing time.

I'm now back to the grindstone, but I have to get caught up on other obligations before I'll be able to do another substantive post here.

Just another note about the book: so far, the reception has been far better than we could have hoped for. it spent all of last week in the top 500 in Amazon's ranking system, and spent much of that week below #200. Thanks to everyone who bought a copy, and especially to those people who took the time to post a review. Words cannot adequately express how grateful Dave and I are to each of you.

There are already a few errata that can be found at the book's website, in the forums. Most of them are due to differences between SDK 2.0, which was current when we wrote the book, and the 2.1 and now 2.2 versions. Apress also maintains errata for us, but most of the time, the solution shows up on the forums first, along with a more in-depth discussion.

If you find a problem, or get stuck, or just have a question, the forums are a good place to ask your question, or you can always just drop me an e-mail if you're more comfortable doing that.

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