Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Back in town

Well, I got back in town last night, but my Internet service was on the fritz, and it took most of the day to get that sorted out. Unfortunately, I didn't get much work done while I was on travel these past six days, so it's going to be a few days before I get caught up enough to do a substantive post here, though I have a few ideas about what I'm going to do next.

I just wanted to thank all the people who have bought the book and give an extra special thanks to those people who have filed errata as well as all the nice folk who have taken the time to review the book.

Anyone having problems obtaining a copy should know that even though our Amazon page currently says "4 to 7 weeks" under the shipping information, Amazon has either received a whole bunch of new stock from Apress, or will in the next day or two, so orders should ship a lot quicker than that.

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