Friday, December 11, 2009

Next Generation iPhone is about to be knocking at the door

Everything started with a short message left on the Twitter claiming: “Foxconn received order for next generation iPhone”.  This is a Taiwanese hardware company which is expected to provide consumers with a new gadget not until summer 2010. That would not have deserved much attention if not posted by Mobile Review's editor in chief - Eldar Murtazin who is believed to be in close ties with the representatives of mobile industry.

More over that declaration might be true bearing in mind the fact that the dates of contracts signed by many owners of iPhone 3G through AT&T are now about to expire, thus giving them new possibilities with new agreements. Apple might have just waited for that before releasing a new product.

Anyway all that we can do just guess and predict a new exciting device from Apple which hopefully will be much better than the previous ones.

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