Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Discover and share the world around you with Flook

Flook is a new app represented by Ambient Industries, a mobile application software company. It lets you see events, people and places while traveling as well as being at home.  Without going outdoors you can discover local events and places like art shows, music venues, and bars even a few miles away from your home in your own town.

Firstly Flook will display the cards of the events from the closest territory, but as more often you use this app more exactly it will classify all the events and places according to your interest.

Moreover, this app is free and gives you extra opportunity to create your own cards and display them. Just take photos, add a few words of description and upload them for other Flook users, who from their part will be able to leave comments. Thus you simultaneously participate in competitive edge. You can get the highest rated card by having people collect your cards.

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