Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Historic Earth Application for Real Geography Maniacs

Geography manila is getting easier with the new iPhone App - The Historic Earth that is based on Old Map App, an earlier prototype. Drawing on the archives of Historic Map Works, the world’s largest online collection of geo-coded historic maps, Historic Earth allows you to virtually travel back through time in many U.S. cities and states. Geo-coding allows the maps to closely overlay a modern map, so that the same locations can be compared in various periods.

Launching with 32,000 high-resolution maps covering several cities and states (including NYC, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Maine, and most of the Midwest) the collection will be expanding to 130,000 soon after launch as more of the Historic Map Works archive is made available.

Here are some features:
Map My Location: Searches and displays historical maps of your current location.

Featured Locations: Explore historical maps from a variety of highlighted locations.

Search: Search for a location by address, city, or ZIP code to explore maps from that area.

Geographic Search: Pan and Zoom to any location on the map and make a new search for maps at that location.

Compass Rotates Map: For iPhone 3GS users, the maps can rotate to your current orientation.

The app costs $5.99 (in the US) for a limited time.


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