Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gmail Helps iPhone Users to Create Long e-mails Easier

Google released new feature for long-winded iPhone e-mail authors that makes typing lengthy Gmail messages easier on the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Verbose e-mailers will see blank lines appear below the cursor as you reach the bottom of the window. It is not yet clear, if there’s a limit to how many lines you can add in a Gmail message. To review your message just swipe up and down to scroll.

At this point, Gmail’s composition window won’t contract when you delete lines; expansion alone is the name of the game.

The expanding Gmail composition box is part of Google's iterative Web project for slowly introducing new features to Gmail mobile one at a time. The composition feature is available to iPhone and iPod users who reach Gmail via Gmail.com from the Safari browser.

Google's Gmail-for-mobile project began in April 2009.


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