Friday, January 27, 2012

Promote Your Free Apps On iPhone Blog For FREE!

Dear iOS App Developers, here is an important announcement for you: we give you a chance to get a free review on Apple iPhone Blog every week! The promotion concerns to FREE apps only and starts on Monday, January 30th! 

Please follow these easy steps to get started:

1. Go to our Facebook Fan Page  and submit your app by placing your app’s iTunes link in the comments in Free App Promotion Tab

2. Invite your friends and associates to vote for your app!

All the apps are inserted in Poll options as soon as they’re submitted by you. Everyone is then allowed to vote for the app they’d like to be reviewed. The app that gains the majority of the votes by the next Monday will be reviewed on our blog exclusively for FREE, meaning that you reach 1500-2000 target users in less than a day! Your App links are inserted, promising approx. 200 downloads within the first 48 hours!

Once the winner app is announced and gets the free review, it is removed from the poll options, while other apps continue to compete to become next week’s winners, with their votes kept! The promotion never ends, so you will definitely become a winner one day! 

Do not miss your chance, submit your app now  and start voting for it on Monday!

Winning Tips:

  • The earlier you submit your app, the more votes you are able to gain. 
  • You can share the poll among your friends and ask them to vote for you.

We will notify you when the poll goes live. Wish you all luck and thank you for supporting Apple iPhone Blog!

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