Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Apple’s Upcoming Media Event In NY

An important, but not a large-scale event is planned to be held in New York by the end of January by Apple, as “sources close to the situation” claim. Being well known for moving around their public show-and-tells, the tech giant is expected to focus on a media-related announcement. Not surprisingly, numerous rumors have aroused, all leading to different directions.

Some say it’s all about introducing iPad 3, the next iteration of the popular tablet device. Others claim that it’ll be iPhone 5 - the so much discussed next generation smartphone, anticipated since July 2011 . Recently aroused Apple TV   set and Apple Wearable Computer   is also considered as the reason of holding the media event, but the company is expected to launch a new Apple TV product later in 2012, and such an event would undoubtedly be held in the heart of the industry in Hollywood or at least in Silicon Valley.

On the other hand, several sources stressed that the event is not related to any of upcoming version of the iDevices, emphasizing the fact that Eddy Cue, Apple SVP of Internet Software and Services, will also be engaged. Being in charge of a large swath of Apple’s media units, including the iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, as well as iAd and its iCloud services,  Eddy Cue last appeared at Apple’s New York event dedicated to the introduction of The Daily  - News Corp.’s online magazine. 

To finally detect the truth, we contacted Apple media help, but not surprisingly, we’ve not got any reply yet. In case we get to know something, we’ll definitely keep you updated. By then, do not regret to share what you think the event will be dedicated to by sharing your opinions below in the comments. 

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