Friday, January 27, 2012

Apple’s First Quarter Results Are Unbelievable in Every Area

Apple has an amazing success in first quarter, ended on December 31. Can you imagine 110 million people went to an Apple store in during the period of time?  That means approximately 22.000 customers per Apple store per week. 

But the most important thing is quantity of sold items. It is worth mentioning that iPhone sales have increased, as the company has sold 37.04 million gadgets which is 128% jump over the comparable quarter in 2010; as for iPad (15.4 million) and Mac (5.2 million), their sales beat estimates as well. Consider Apple has not been able to produce as many iPhone 4Ss as it would have liked and it was not even able to sell the phone in China. 

Though, Apple stores are not all where the company hits their record-breaking sales figures. It has 13.000 points of sale in the world for the iPhone, including Think big box electronics retailers, carrier stores, and the like.

Apple’s CEO Tim Cook said: “We’re thrilled with our outstanding results and record-breaking sales of iPhones, iPads and Macs, Apple’s momentum is incredibly strong, and we have some amazing new products in the pipeline.”

Apple now has $97.6 billion in cash on hand. Revenues from iTunes hit $1.7 billion. More than 140 million applications and pieces of content were downloaded on Dec. 25. iCloud has 85 million users. There are now 550,000 apps available. Developers of such apps have earned more than $4 billion, $700 million in Q1.

Analysts wondering: if everything went Apple’s way, what would the quarter have looked like? And when will this amazing growth spurt end if none of those problems can lay the company low? How do you think?

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