Monday, November 28, 2011

Black Friday Logical Continuation

Black Friday is the most awaited day of all, because so many surprises are arranged for people all over the world. Discounts offered by mostly all of the companies on the day are huge and many people are waiting for this day to make important purchases for the whole year. This year was not an exception. Besides some application discounts and giveaways, sale was in apple stores too.
If you’ve used your chance to get Apple smartphone successfully, you’re logically a newbie iPhone user. To make it easier for you to get started with your iDevice, here are some tips that might interest you.

Sometimes simple and obvious things are difficult to accomplish. Even such a simple action as renaming your iPhone may not be clear immediately. For further information, click here .

Unlike other mobile devices, arranging icons on the iPhone is extremely easy. However, it is not that easy to guess how to do this. Want to know? Click here. 

Beginning from firmware 2.x, making screenshots on iPhone has become extremely easy. To see more, click here. 

Have you already managed to unlock your new iPhone? Then your Voicemail button must be totally useless, right? This little hack will bring your Voicemail button to life. Learn the details here

If you are a business user of iPhone, most likely you often dial phone numbers with extensions. Listening to lengthy phone menus is not the best experience. So, this tip  teaches you how to add an extension to a contact's phone number.

To see how to set up parental control on iPod and iPhone touch, click here.

To know more about iPhone voice commands, click here. 

A battery for our iPhone can be considered as a driving engine – a heart which has to be taken care of and protected properly. To know more about how to make your iPhone’s battery last long, click here.  To know more about how to improve iPhone4 battery life, click here. 

Here  are some most useful iPhone tips, tweaks, secrets that you couldn't imagine existed for your complete and easy use of iPhone! 

Most of us have faced a situation when our smart iPhone 4 becomes unresponsive and cannot be switched on, no matter what we do. Do not worry; click here  to solve the problem.

Here  are some tips for Great iPhone Photos.

For those who have ever wanted to know the exact remaining percentage of their iPhone battery life, we have a quick solution, click here. 

Apple’s latest innovation to come to the iPhone gives users their very own digital assistant, which really boils down to voice-activated commands. It is, of course, a little more interesting than that, and the way users can talk to their iPhones in real-world language is, at times, a sight to behold. So here  are the tips.

Here  are 8 easy steps that lead you to teach Siri on your iPhone 4S to tweet.

Here  are 4 Quick Tips For iPhone4S: Locate your lost iPhone, Lock the screen orientation, Scrub through audio and video and Tap to focus the camera.

Did you know that SIRI can… click here  to see WHAT…?

Was it helpful? Has your mind about the complicated phone changed?

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