Friday, November 18, 2011

Competition goes tougher

This week was great. Apple made iTunes match and  then Google introduced Google Music. These two products are directly competing with Amazon’s Cloud Player.

These are three biggest companies with amazing services. Are you a little confused about which one is better in this case? Here is the comparison between them. Keep reading to see which one’s best for you.

iTunes match costs $24.99 per year.
Google Music is free for everyone.
For Amazon’s Cloud Player, first 5GB is free, after this 1GB costs $1.

Apple uses iTunes as its central music hub.
Google uses web-based playback systems.
Amazon uses web-based playback also.

As for mobile access, Apple has the most limited mobile access because the service is available for only iOS devices.
Amazon provides a mobile app for Android and an iPad.
Google Music is available for iOS devices, Android and other browsers as well.

This is only the comparison of some attributes of these three services. Of course we can match other details as well,  but you anyway won’t be able to decide who the “winner” is, as it mostly depends on where you live, what you need and of course - it depends on your taste.

via Mashable.

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