Friday, April 29, 2011

White One Is Thicker

Before its 10 month late launch, white iPhone4 was intensively rumored all over the world. Widely believed to be unreal, the white smartphone finally arrived in App store yesterday, April 28th. The Apple lovers are all happy, rushing to get one, but… there is one big BUT!

The white iPhone 4 appears to be significantly thicker than its black counterpart. The pictures obviously prove it- the black one is 0.2mm thinner than the new white iPhone4. 

The reason for thickness is said to be the extra UV protection and other tweaks added to reduce the "unexpected interactions" between the cover's whiteness and the internal components. It seems that apple sacrificed a bit of slimness for the iPhone to function smoothly. 

White iPhone4 0.2mm thicker than its black counterpart
The difference is so small that its actually below the JND (Just Noticeable Difference) edge for consumers with disarmed eye. But the implications caused by this 0.2mm are much greater than we can imagine- the problem is the cases! Unfortunately, Apple's own spec page doesn't highlight the change in thickness (measured at 9.5mm by TiPb). Instead it still shows a 9.3mm depth with a tiny disclaimer stating, "Actual size and weight vary by configuration and manufacturing process." This fact misleads case producers while creating tight fitted cases for iPhones, forcing to start manufacturing a new line of their product specially for white iPhone4.

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