Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Two American citizens against Apple!!

Vikram Ajampur and William Devito- the owners of iPhone-and iPad accuse Apple for illegal gathering of information for their own purposes.

The appeal may be granted as the protest of all the users of Apple devices to protect their interests. According to the accusers, Apple collects data of the users about their location, without warning, and illegally collects personal accounts of life violating the rights of inviolability.

Citizens are particularly concerned by the fact that they have not been informed in advance. The complainers require Apple to remove this offending feature from next product additions and insist on payment of monetary compensation.

 The Appeal was led by the scandalous discovery of British Pete Uorden, former software engineer of Apple, who revealed some strange files in iPhone memory by accident. 29 thousand records have been found by the specialists, who argue that these files track the users’ destinations, and get into the computer automatically while synchronizing. They also claim that the files remain in the memory forever.Experts created a data visualization program to make their discovery available to everyone. Allen said that if Apple does not delete the function, at least it should inform consumers about the functions to shut down the service offer.

Later, the same experts said that the function of the software made a mistake and was not premeditated. "In case of conspiracy the files of the company would be more reliably hidden and we would not be able to find them so easily. Most probably, that this is an error or software engineers are the result of incomplete “. - they say. 

However, the study conducted in the United States and other countries by public authorities and human rights organizations was severely criticized. The governments of France and Germany have already said that such action is unacceptable and the incident may become a pretext for launching the investigation. 
What do you think, is Apple dishonest while integrating this feature in the device, or is it our “fault” that we are being tracked (if so)?  

Steve jobs,  who is currently on a medical leave due to his health worsening, replied to a user who tried to frighten him by switching on Android device, that it’s not an iPhone, but Android, who is keeping track of all the users….

You can even see CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT AND DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL by the two citizens against the company in details right HERE

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