Tuesday, July 20, 2010

With SplashMoney on your iPad you can manage money anytime and anywhere

SplashData has just released SplashMoney for iPad users. With SplashMoney, iPad users can manage their money anytime and anywhere. Now you can download transactions straight into SplashMoney and connect to online banks from your iPad or desktop computer.
Besides, app makes you available to create budgets and analyze spending with customizable reports and charts. If you synchronize your iPad with your Windows or Mac desktop computer you will be able to stay on the top of the finances wherever you are, at home on the road or in the office.
SplashMoney is company's personal finance manager the success of which has already been proved on a major mobile platforms such as iPhone, Windows Mobile, Palm OS and BlackBerry.

Key features of SplashMoney include:
 * Wireless synchronization with almost any online bank account
* Support for most account types: checking, savings, credit card, cash, asset, liability, money market and line of credit
* Secure password protection using Blowfish encryption
* Auto-fill and memorized transactions, which help speed-up and simplify data entry
 * Account statement reconciliation
* Multiple currency support with live Currency updates

Device Requirements:
 * Compatible with iPad
 * Requires iOS 3.2 or later
 * 2.6 MB

Pricing and Availability:
SplashMoney 4.8 for iPad is $4.99 USD and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Finance category.

For more information click here

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