Thursday, July 15, 2010

Enjoy flying with AIRelaxation on your iPhone

For the iPhone users suffering from the flight phobias Hypnovisualization developed new AIRelaxation app. Using a hypnovisualization technique AIRelaxation offers deep mental and physical relaxation while travailing. This method, that employs guided narration to inspire visual images and includes soothing alpha rhythm sounds, promises fast and easy results and can be carried with a user everywhere on their iDevice. The app is perfect for those who are anxious or fearful about flying yet they don't want to have to medicate themselves in order to travel by air.
According to Dr. Miller, master hypnovisualist the mind works best when it can see an image, and the easy exercises offered by the app, deeply relax and allow the listener to visualize flight in a completely unique way. Additionally, background music that is specially engineered, includes subliminal alpha sounds that mimic the activity of the relaxed brain.

AIRelaxation program consists of three short hypnovisualization exercises: a twenty minute exercise to be listened to at home before heading to the airport, as well as ten minute pre-take off and pre-landing stereo audio tracks to be listened to while on the aircraft.
Features included in the AIRelaxation app:
 * Includes subliminal alpha rhythm sounds
 * Digitally recorded in stereo
* Suitable for frequent and occasional flyers
 * Individual audio tracks devoted to take-off and landing
* Pre flight relaxation audio designed to be listened to at home
 * Easy, touch screen buttons
* Uploadable to mobile devices
* Suitable for helping anyone relax, whether they fear flying or not
 * This helpful tool is always available on a user's iPhone, iPod touch or iPad

Device Requirements:
 * iPhone and iPod touch, iPad
 * Requires iPhone OS 3.1 or later
 * 29 MB

Pricing and Availability:
AIRelaxation 1.0 is only $2.99 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Travel category.

For more information click here

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