Monday, July 5, 2010

Splash Factory 1.0 serves for better image on your iPhone and iPad touch

EmirBytes an Independent iPhone’s app developer has released Splash Factory 1.0 for iPhone and iPod touch platform, utilizing the touch interface. The app is available for download in the Apple’s App Store since today.
Splash Factory 1.0 serves for better image on your iPhone by splashing colors on your photo. A pp offers 7 introductory effects and color/object selection method, what makes available for the users to mix either selection by shades of color and by area definition.
Splash Factory also offers Black & White, Sepia, Pixelate and Pen Sketch effects for the unsplashed areas.

From developer:
“Splash Factory was inspired by the success of iQuikSplash. We spent approximately 4 weeks to develop this app to perfection. The smart and powerful color selection engine in iQuikSplash has been tweaked further in this app so that the accuracy of color
                                                                               selection is improved greatly. We are continuing our research to
                                                                               produce more unique effects and if applicable, we will be adding
                                                                               them to this app in the future.”

Device Requirements:
 iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
 Requires iOS 2.2.1 or later (Tested on iPhone OS 3.1.2)
 2.1 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Splash Factory 1.0 is $2.99 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Photography category.

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