Thursday, July 29, 2010

Stop missing meetings with Today! on your iPhone

Today Catamount Software has launched a new iPhone app called Today! The app is perfect for those who need more efficiency, facility and power then Apple’s Calender provides. Today! attaches Calendar to add missing features sought out by busy professionals.
With Today on your iPhone is easy to manage your schedule, all the information about appointment time, location and other notes are easily shown without additional tap on the screen. Besides, the app integrates with map and with just one tap on the location you’re able to view the route to your next appointment.
If Mail and Messages show a sign on the screen when you have to do in them the Calendar doesn’t- it’s missing, that makes you to view quickly what you have left to do for today without opening the Calendar.
Stop missing meetings with Today on your iPhone!

Feature Highlights:
 * Red badge on icon shows you at a glance how many appointments you still have.
* See your important appointment information at a glance – Today! shows all information you need about appointment time, location, and notes for the appointment without needing extra taps.
* Integrates with Maps so you can tap on location to open the route to your next appointment.
* If you sync multiple calendars you probably have important calendars and not-so-important calendars. With Today! you can decide which calendars are your important ones to show in Today!.
* Stop wasting time your setting the alarm for every appointment you create in Calendar. Today! lets you set a default alarm time to save you time when you create new appointments from within Today!.

Device Requirements:
 * iPhone and iPod touch
 * Requires iOS 4.0 or later

Pricing and Availability:
Today! 1.0.1 is $2.99 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Productivity category. Today! is also available in a free, fully functional, ad supported version.

For more information click here

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