Thursday, June 5, 2008

Well, Duh...

If you read the excellent Daring Fireball, or one of the many other Apple-centric blogs, you are probably well aware of how often mainstream media says really boneheaded things about Apple and their products, since it is an oft-blogged topic in the Mac blogging realm. Well, this doozy came today from Newsweek (this quote is on the second page) and nobody seems to have picked up on it:

What we know for sure though is that sales of the iPhone are fading fast and Apple will have to do something very soon to get those phones moving. 
While it is absolutely true that sales of the iPhone have dropped off tremendously, it's not lack of demand, but rather the fact that you can't buy the friggin' things right now, and everybody knows a new version is coming out. Nobody in their right mind buys a new Apple product right before MacWorld or WWDC, especially if the product they want to buy is rumored to be getting a new version. 

Given the rumors of 3G, GPS, redesigned iPhones that will give you a back rub while you talk on the phone with people in the future, it shouldn't be a surprise that nobody's buying the existing models right now. But even if you wanted to buy one now, most Apple Stores, including the online Apple Store, simply don't have them available 

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