Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Man, I wish I could share some of the stuff from Yesterday. The keynote was, of course, public, and you can go watch it here. But the keynote was all about iPhone, but there actually was a lot of news on the Mac OS X front.  Apple has made a small part of the new "Snow Leopard" functionality public here, but I can tell you that the release only scratches the surface. We live in interesting times and I think they're doing the right thing with the approach they are taking - it's very long-term, and its unusal for a big company to do that.

There are an awful lot of new-to-the-platform folks here this year, mostly pulled in by the iPhone SDK, and a lot of them complete newbies to Cocoa and Mac. Apple seems to have known that this would be the case: any of the iPhone sessions today have been very basic, hardly the level of detail I was hoping for. Even the class intended for experienced Cocoa programmers was, I thought, a tad on the simplistic side. While I did get a few good tidbits, there was not much new for me. There are some more advanced sessions later in the week that I'm excited about, though.

If you are a Mac developer, or want to be one, you really should try and find a way to get out to San Francisco for this event. It's expensive, but worth every penny if you can swing it. Plus, where else you can you replenish your stock of Apple t-shirts?

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