Sunday, June 1, 2008

New Palm OS emulator for iPhone

StyleTap is officially planning to introduce a version of StyleTap CrossPlatform for the Apple iPhone smartphone and the iPod touch. They plan to bring this capability to the iPhone in the near future, what’s more the iPhone runs the Palm OS better than most Palm devices, so this is a very interesting feature to add to the long list of things that the iPhone already excels at.

The project is still under development. They are still working on a number of issues, such as where and how it will be marketed and sold. You will be able to grab the software needed starting in July, when more information is released by StyleTap. They will also announce price points.

StyleTap personnel will also be attending the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, CA from June 9-13, and will be available to meet with mobile application developers who want to learn more about StyleTap for the Apple devices.

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