Friday, March 21, 2008

iPhone Consumers - Active Users Of The Web

A new study from measurement firm M:Metrics confirms, that iPhone users are tend to check the web more often than the users of other mobile devices.

After charting the habits of more than 10,000 adults for six months after the iPhone's U.S. launch, M:Metrics concludes that nearly 84.8% of iPhone purchasers regularly use their handheld device to access news and other content on the web.

The study found that 58.6% of iPhone users visited a search engine on their phone, compared to 37% of smartphone users and 6.1% of mobile phone users. 30.9% of iPhone owners watched mobile TV or video, versus a 4.6 market average, and more than double the rate for all smartphone users.

Finally, 74.1% of iPhone users listen to music on their iTunes-equipped devices. Only 27.9% of smartphone users listen to music on their phones and 6.7% of the overall mobile-phone-toting public listens to music on their mobile devices.

"Two featured widgets, YouTube and Google Maps are extremely popular among iPhone users: 30.4% accessed YouTube and 36% used Google Maps," - said senior analyst for M:Metrics, Mark Donovan.

Social networking is also popular among iPhone users: 49.7% accessed a social networking site in 2008 January, nearly twelve times the market average. 20% of iPhone owners accessed Facebook, one of the first Web properties to customize its content for the iPhone, versus 1.5 percent of the total mobile market.

"The iPhone has certainly delivered on its hype. Beyond a doubt, this device is compelling consumers to interact with the mobile Web, delivering off-the-charts usage from everything to text messaging to mobile video." - said Mark Donovan.

The study showed that iPhone owners, like other smartphone owners, tend to be male, aged 25-34, earn more than US$100K and have a college degree.


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