Thursday, March 6, 2008

Good Luck Developers!

I wish I would have been in Cupertino, California at Apple's headquarters for the company's announcement of its iPhone software development kit. Many people were gathered inside Apple's Town Hall auditorium to hear how Apple plans to handle third-party application development for the iPhone and to learn about new business-friendly features.

Steve Jobs (co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Apple Inc), Phil Schiller (senior vice president of Apple Inc) and Scott Forstall (Vice President of iPhone Software at Apple Inc) were speaking and performing iPhones new abilities in the near future. The leading topics were iPhone software road map, the companies that have inquired about working with the iPhone, mentioning Genentech, Great e-mail integration, calendars, contacts, and the global address lists of corporations--having that technology instantly accessible and pushed to the device, security policies, like VPNs and remote wiping of a stolen iPhone, and configuration help.
"I'm really excited to be the one to tell you today that we're doing all these things in the next release of the iPhone software," said Schiller.
He also announces that Apple has licensed the Microsoft ActiveSync protocol, which will make it much easier to do push e-mail and contacts with Exchange servers. That means we'll soon get push e-mail, calendaring, contacts, and a global contacts list, as well as the remote wipe security feature. The iPhone's Mail application will have this functionality. We won't have to have a new user interface for e-mail and calendars. This will ship with every iPhone.

Have you heard about Cocoa Touch? Apple built unique multitouch controls, and also needed to program a way to access the accelerometer. Developers will have access to the accelerometer. That’s the best news for game developers. And it will be easy to work in it for everybody who knows how to work with Mac OS X. That works here too, giving developers tools to write and manage code developed for the iPhone. It seems that iPhone development will be very familiar to anyone who has developed applications for the Mac.

“You can record a test of the application on your Mac, allowing you to reproduce application behavior to make sure it works. This took Apple two weeks, and less than 10,000 lines of code,” Forstall says.

Some developers like, Epocrates-Glenn Keighley, Sega-Ethan Einhorn showed off what they've created, but also showed the will to cooperate with iPhone.
Developers want to get their applications in front of every iPhone user, Jobs says. The App Store is built into the iPhone, so you can search applications by popularity, title, or a genre of application, sort of like the Wi-Fi Music Store. The applications are wirelessly downloaded to the iPhone over either EDGE or Wi-Fi.

If you want to be a develop, go ahead! You’ll just need to Download the iPhone SDK for free. There's also going to be an iPhone developer program, which allows you to test your code, get tech support, and distribute your applications. You are paying $99 for that. But, then you can pick the price of your application. The developer gets 70 percent of the revenue off the top. Apple gets 30 percent. No credit card, hosting, or marketing fees. The revenues are paid monthly, and Jobs calls it "the best deal going." There is no charge to the developer if you want to make a free application.

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