Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Patent War Continues

via Reuters News Report
Apple is one of the richest companies and some people cannot even imagine that it can make any mistake, but it happens.

Motorola has brought a lawsuit against Apple. The reason is a patent infringement. The final judgment is not made yet, but the thing to note is that Motorola’s position was not regarded by the court on the very first hearing.

One more case about patent issues is that Apple licensed out the iOS scrolling patent to Nokia and IBM. It offered the same patent license to Samsung in Nov-2010 as well, but the negotiation has failed due to unidentified reasons. Whether these two parties are still holding settlement negotiations or not, is unknown too.

Another misfortune for Apple was the fact that court denied its request to block Samsung Galaxy from selling in the U.S. Apple sued against Samsung in April, it said that South Korean company’s Galaxy line of mobile phones copies the iPhone and iPad. But it’s a fact that after this resonant case the Samsung share price has increased significantly.

As for now, Apple gives some suggestions to Samsung on how to design phones so they don’t look similar to “iProductoin.” The company indicates that Samsung smartphones should not have overall rectangular shapes and rounded corners, they should make items with front surfaces that are not completely flat and should also clutter the appearance of their devices. Samsung has not officially responded to these suggestions by Apple yet.

These can be understood as destroying Steve Jobs’s ideals because once he said:

”I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple’s $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong. I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product. I’m willing to go thermonuclear war on this.”

In a word, Apple has some nuisances but probably it will manage to solve the problems, as it always did.

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