Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Our Holiday Promotion- Get A £ 49 Sponsored Review For Free!

To thank our dedicated supporters, Apple iPhone Blog gives you a unique chance to get your app reviewed for free on our Blog! The promotion starts on December 24th and lasts for a month. Please follow these easy
steps to get started:
1. Go to our Facebook Fan Page and submit your app by placing your app’s iTunes link in the comments in Holiday Promotion Tab;
2. Invite your friends and associates to vote for your app.

All the apps are inserted in Poll options as soon as they’re submitted by you. Everyone is then allowed to vote the app they’d like to be reviewed.

Top 5 apps that gain the majority of the votes by January 24th will be reviewed on our blog exclusively for FREE, meaning that you reach 1500-2000 target users in less than a day! Your App links are inserted, promising approx. 200 downloads within the first 48 hours!

Do not miss your chance, submit your app and vote for it now!

*Winning Tips

The earlier you submit your app, the more votes you are able to gain. You can share the poll among your friends and ask them to vote for you. Those apps that are voted by our fans are privileged over the apps voted by non-fans, to ensure this, ask your friends to like our page first. 

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